Q-2, r. 26 - Agricultural Operations Regulation

Texte complet
À jour au 1er mai 2024
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter Q-2, r. 26
Agricultural Operations Regulation
Environment Quality Act
(chapter Q-2, ss. 31.0.6, 53.30, 70, 95.1 and 124.1; 2017, c. 4, s. 283).
Act respecting certain measures enabling the enforcement of environmental and dam safety legislation
(chapter M-11.6, ss. 30 and 45).
O.C. 695-2002; I.N. 2019-12-01; S.Q. 2022, c. 8, s. 1.
1. The object of this Regulation is to protect the environment, particularly water and soil, against pollution caused by certain agricultural activities.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 1.
2. This Regulation applies to the raising of animals and to the facilities used in the raising of such animals, to the storage facilities for their waste and to the spreading of such waste. It also applies to parcels of land used for crop, except for silviculture, and to the use of fertilizers.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 2; O.C. 1596-2021, s. 82.
2.1. This Regulation does not apply to
(1)  dog and cat raising facilities, fish farms, zoos, and zoological parks and gardens;
(2)  despite section 46.0.2 of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2), hereinafter referred to as the Act, interventions carried out in
(a)  the following man-made works:
i.  an irrigation pond;
ii.  a water management or treatment facility referred to in subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph of section 22 of the Act;
iii.  a body of water containing water pumped from a sand pit or quarry, if it has not been restored;
iv.  a commercial fishing pond;
v.  a pond for the production of aquatic organisms;
vi.  a basin reserved for firefighting purposes.
(b)  a wetland in which the vegetation is dominated by reed phalaris (Phalaris arundinacea L.) or the introduced sub-species of common water reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. subsp. australis), and when the soil is not hydromorphic.
For the purposes of subparagraph a of subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph,
(1)  a site must be situated on land or in a flood zone, excluding the littoral zone, lakeshores and riverbanks, and any wetlands present;
(2)  a site must be in use or, if not in use, must have been unused for at least 10 years;
(3)  an environment restored or created by work under a program to promote the restoration and creation of wetlands and bodies of water developed pursuant to the Act to affirm the collective nature of water resources and to promote better governance of water and associated environments (chapter C-6.2) or in accordance with the Regulation respecting compensation for adverse effects on wetlands and bodies of water (chapter Q-2, r. 9.1) cannot be deemed to be a man-made work;
(4)  a wetland or body of water into which storm water is discharged cannot be deemed to be a water management or treatment facility.
O.C. 1596-2021, s. 83.
3. The following definitions apply to this Regulation:
agro-environmental fertilization plan means a plan that determines, for each parcel in an agricultural operation and each annual growing season (maximum of 5 years), the crop grown and the spreading limits for fertilizers; (plan agroenvironnemental de fertilisation)
annual phosphorus (P2O5) production means the annual volume in cubic metres of livestock waste produced per raising site multiplied by the average phosphorus (P2O5) concentration in kg/m3 of the livestock waste; (production annuelle de phosphore (P2O5))
liquid manure management means a method of removing livestock waste other than by solid manure management; (gestion sur fumier liquide)
livestock waste means animal urine and fecal matter and includes bedding used as absorbents, contaminated water and precipitation water that came into contact with livestock waste; (déjections animales)
parcel means a portion of land forming a single block, planted with the same crop and requiring the same fertilization, belonging to the same owner and constituting a lot or part of a lot; (parcelle)
raising facility means a livestock building or yard where animals are raised; (installation d’élevage)
raising site means a group of raising facilities and storage facilities that belong to the same owner and where the distance between the facilities does not exceed 150 m; (lieu d’élevage)
solid manure management means a method of removing livestock waste in a solid state, with the liquids having been absorbed by the solid matter through the use of bedding in sufficient quantity or through other means to reduce the water content in the waste to a value lower than 85% at the outlet of a livestock building; (gestion sur fumier solide)
spreading site means a group of parcels close together, belonging to the same owner who does not raise livestock; (lieu d’épandage) and
yard means a pen or part of a pen where livestock is kept and which differs from pastures because the annual phosphorus (P2O5) input is greater than the deposits provided for in Schedule I for those pastures. (cour d’exercice).
In addition, unless otherwise provided for,
(1)  the terms boundary, watercourse, pond, boundary of the littoral zone, wetland, open wetland, riverbank or lakeshore, flood zone and high-velocity flood zone have the meaning assigned by the Regulation respecting activities in wetlands, bodies of water and sensitive areas (chapter Q-2, r. 0.1);
(2)  the term ditch has the meaning assigned by the Regulation respecting the regulatory scheme applying to activities on the basis of their environmental impact (chapter Q-2, r. 17.1);
(3)  a distance is calculated horizontally
(a)  from the boundary of the littoral zone, for a watercourse or lake;
(b)  from the boundary, for a wetland;
(c)  from the top of the embankment, for a ditch.
For the purposes of subparagraph 3 of the second paragraph, if there is an embankment, the distance must include a width of at least 1 m from the top of the embankment.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 3; O.C. 1596-2021, s. 84.
3.1. In this Regulation, every reference to an agrologist or an engineer is a reference to a person who is a member of a professional order governing that profession in Québec, as well as any other person legally authorized to act in that capacity in Québec.
O.C. 606-2010, s. 1.
4. It is prohibited to deposit, discharge, spread, receive, keep in deposit or allow the deposit, discharge, spreading or keeping in deposit of livestock waste except to the extent provided for in this Regulation.
Except where a ford crosses a watercourse, it is prohibited to give livestock access to a watercourse, lake or pond or to a strip 3 m wide along or around them.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 4; O.C. 1596-2021, s. 85.
5. The owner of a lot as well as any person to whom the owner has transferred the custody, control or use of the lot shall take the measures necessary to prevent livestock waste from entering the surface or subsurface water.
Every owner or person who has knowledge of the discharge, deposit, storage or spreading of livestock waste on that lot that contravenes this Regulation shall take the measures required to terminate such discharge, deposit, storage or spreading and to immediately remove such substances from the lot and, if necessary, restore it to its previous condition.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 5.
6. It is prohibited to erect, lay out or expand a raising or storage facility in a watercourse, lake or open wetland and the 15 m strip along or around them.
It is also prohibited to erect or lay out a raising or storage facility in a high-velocity flood zone.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 6; O.C. 1596-2021, s. 86.
7. (Obsolete).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 7.
8. The ground on which a livestock building is constructed or laid out must be protected from any contact with the livestock waste produced by means of a watertight floor.
The livestock building must have the capacity to store, without overflow, all of the livestock waste produced between each of the occasions on which the waste is removed.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 8; O.C. 906-2005, s. 1.
9. Raising sites with liquid or solid manure management must have watertight storage facilities for the livestock waste produced therein.
An operator may have the use of a watertight storage facility as the owner or lessee or as a party to a written storage agreement entered into with a third party.
Each party to a lease must be in possession of a copy of the lease and retain it for a minimum of 5 years after it expires and provide the copy to the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 9; O.C. 906-2005, s. 2; O.C. 606-2010, s. 2.
9.1. The operator of a spreading site and, despite section 9, the operator of a raising site may store solid manure piles in a cultivated field, on the following conditions:
(1)  contaminated water from the pile must not enter the surface water;
(2)  runoff must not reach the pile;
(3)  the solid manure pile must not contain more than 2,000 kg of phosphorus (P2O5) and must be used only for the fertilization needs of the cultivated parcel on which the pile is located or on an adjacent parcel for the growing season during which it is laid out, or, as the case may be, for the growing season following the date of the first input of solid manure forming the pile;
(4)  the pile must be laid out at least 100 m from the location of a pile that has been removed for 12 months or less; and
(5)  the pile must be completely removed and reclaimed or eliminated, in accordance with section 19, within 12 months of the first input of solid manure forming the pile.
O.C. 906-2005, s. 3; O.C. 606-2010, s. 3.
9.1.1. An operator who, under the second paragraph of section 22, is required to establish an agro-environmental fertilization plan must, if intending to store solid manure piles in a cultivated field, obtain, before laying out each pile in accordance with section 9.1, a recommendation dated and signed by an agrologist pertaining to the conditions for laying out the pile.
The operator must also give an agrologist a written mandate to inspect each pile during the growing season and to write, in a dated and signed report, his or her observations and, where applicable, his or her recommendations. The mandate must also provide that an annual report, written by the agrologist and summarizing all the inspections carried out for all the piles for which a recommendation was made under the first paragraph, will be given to the operator.
Copies of every document produced by an agrologist under this section must be kept by the operator who stores solid manure piles in a cultivated field for a minimum of 5 years from the date of signature and be provided to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 606-2010, s. 4; O.C. 671-2013, s. 1.
9.2. An operator of a raising site or spreading site who, in accordance with section 9.1, stores solid manure piles in a cultivated field must keep a storage register for each pile and record in the register the location of the pile, the date of the first input of solid manure forming the pile and the date the pile is completely removed.
The operator of a raising site or spreading site must be in possession of a copy of that register and keep it for a minimum of 5 years from the date on which the pile is completely removed. The operator must provide the copy to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 906-2005, s. 3; O.C. 606-2010, s. 5.
9.3. Despite section 9, the storage of solid manure piles near the farm building in which the manure is produced is allowed on the following conditions:
(1)  the annual phosphorus (P2O5) production resulting from solid manure management of all the buildings of the raising site is 1,600 kg or less;
(2)  contaminated water from the pile must not enter the surface water;
(3)  runoff must not reach the pile; and
(4)  the pile must be completely removed and reclaimed or eliminated, in accordance with section 19, within 12 months of the first input of solid manure forming the pile.
O.C. 906-2005, s. 3; O.C. 606-2010, s. 6; O.C. 671-2013, s. 2.
10. Storage facilities must have the capacity to accumulate, without overflow, for the entire period where the livestock waste may not be spread, the livestock waste produced in the raising facilities as well as all other waste that may be received by the facilities.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 10.
11. Storage facilities must not be equipped with overflow drains or sump drains.
They must be designed in a way that prevents any runoff infiltration.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 11.
12. Storage facilities must be equipped, on the entire outer perimeter, with a drain placed at the same level or below the floor or bottom. The drain must not be connected to the storage facility and its outlet must be linked to a port with a minimum inside diameter of 40 cm accessible for sample-taking.
A permanent marker must indicate the drain outlet’s location.
The drain must be functional at all times and evacuate water by gravity or pumping.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 12.
13. The livestock waste removal equipment of raising facilities and storage facilities must be watertight and maintained in a fully watertight condition.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 13.
14. A person who operates a storage facility or who has custody or care of a storage facility shall take every measure to prevent or stop any overflow or leakage of the stored substances.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 14.
15. A person who stores livestock waste in a storage facility shall remove the waste at least once a year before there is any overflow of the substances contained.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 15.
16. An operator of a raising site who ships livestock waste to a storage facility belonging to a third party shall enter into a written agreement for that purpose with the operator of the storage facility.
A notice written by an engineer must accompany the agreement specifying that the storage facility has the capacity to store the additional livestock waste referred to in the agreement.
Each party to the agreement must keep in its possession a copy of that agreement for a minimum of 5 years after it expires and provide that copy to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
The operator of a storage facility must keep a register of delivery and record therein the information relevant to the waste received and provide it to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister. The owner must keep the register for at least 5 years from the date of expiry of the agreement referred to in the first paragraph.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 16; O.C. 606-2010, s. 7; O.C. 671-2013, s. 3.
17. A yard must be laid out so that no runoff can reach it.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 17.
17.1. Livestock waste accumulated over a year in a yard must be removed and reclaimed or eliminated, in accordance with section 19, at least once a year.
O.C. 906-2005, s. 4.
18. Contaminated water from a yard must not enter the surface water.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 18; O.C. 906-2005, s. 5.
19. A person who stores livestock waste must reclaim or eliminate it.
Reclamation is effected by spreading in accordance with this Regulation or by treatment and transformation into useful products by a person who may engage in those activities under the Act.
Elimination is effected by destruction by a person authorized under the Act.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 19; O.C. 871-2020, s. 1.
20. The operator of a raising site who spreads livestock waste and, where applicable, other fertilizers must have, at the beginning of each annual growing season and for all the season, cultivated parcels that correspond to the total area required for the purpose of spreading the waste or surplus waste and other fertilizers.
An operator may own or lease cultivated parcels or enter into written spreading agreements with a third party for the use of cultivated parcels.
The calculation of the minimum area required to comply with the first paragraph must be made in accordance with Schedule I.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 20; O.C. 606-2010, s. 8.
20.1. The operator of a spreading site who spreads fertilizers must have, at the beginning of each annual growing season and for all the season, cultivated parcels that correspond to the total area required for the purpose of spreading fertilizers.
The minimum area required to comply with the first paragraph must be calculated in accordance with Schedule I.
O.C. 606-2010, s. 9.
21. Each party to a lease or spreading agreement must keep a copy of that lease or agreement for a minimum of 5 years after it expires and provide it to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 21; O.C. 606-2010, s. 10.
22. Spreading fertilizers is permitted only for the purpose of fertilizing the soil of a cultivated parcel. It may be carried out only in compliance with an agro-environmental fertilization plan established in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation according to each parcel to be fertilized.
The following must establish a plan:
(1)  operators of liquid manure raising sites and operators of solid manure raising sites whose annual phosphorus (P2O5) production is greater than 1,600 kg; and
(2)  operators of spreading sites whose cumulative area is greater than 15 ha, excluding pasture areas and grasslands. For market crops or fruit production, the cumulative area is reduced to 5 ha;
(3)  operators of raising sites with solid manure management whose annual phosphorus (P2O5) production is 1,600 kg or less and who have cultivated parcels whose cumulative area is that referred to in subparagraph 2.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 22; O.C. 1330-2002, s. 1; O.C. 906-2005, s. 6.
23. The agro-environmental fertilization plan must contain all the information required for its implementation such as fertilizer doses and the spreading periods and methods.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 23.
24. The plan must be signed by an agrologist. It may also be signed by persons who cultivate a parcel included in their agricultural operation, or by one of the partners or shareholders of the operation, provided that the signatory holds an attestation for a training course on implementing an agro-environmental fertilization plan given under a program of studies authorized by the Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology.
The signatory shall certify that the agro-environmental fertilization plan complies with this Regulation.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 24; O.C. 606-2010, s. 11; S.Q. 2013, c. 28, s. 204.
25. An agrologist or a person referred to in the first paragraph of section 24 shall ensure the follow-up of the recommendations of the plan and, at the end of the crop season, attach to the plan a report on the fertilization actually carried out.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 25.
26. A copy of the plan shall be kept by the person who cultivates a parcel referred to in the plan, by the owner of that parcel and, where applicable, by any mandatary authorized by the Minister.
Those persons and, where applicable, the mandatary must keep a copy of the plan for a minimum of 5 years after it ceases to have effect and, upon request and within the time indicated by the Minister, provide the Minister with the plan or, if so authorized by the Minister, with a summary of the plan.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 26; O.C. 606-2010, s. 12.
27. A person who cultivates a parcel on which the spreading of fertilizers is authorized under an agro-environmental fertilization plan shall keep, for each parcel of the agricultural operation and for each annual growing season, a spreading register and, in respect of the fertilizers spread, record the relevant information such as the doses, spreading periods and methods.
That person and the owner of the parcel must keep a copy of the document for a minimum of 5 years from the end of the last spreading period. They must provide the document to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 27; O.C. 606-2010, s. 13.
28. (Revoked).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 28; O.C. 606-2010, s. 40; O.C. 671-2013, s. 4.
28.1. The operator of a raising site, other than a raising site with solid manure management whose annual phosphorus (P2O5) production is 1,600 kg or less, must give a written mandate to an agrologist to have the livestock waste produced on the site and spread on cultivated parcels characterized. The mandate must be given by the operator to the agrologist before 1 April of the year where characterization must be carried out in accordance with this Regulation.
Characterization consists in determining the annual volume of livestock waste produced and its fertilizing content so as to establish the raising site’s annual phosphorus (P2O5) production which must be taken into account to carry out the agro-environmental fertilization plan and any phosphorus report concerning that site.
For the purpose of determining the fertilizing content of animal waste, the operator must have the number of livestock waste samples determined by the agrologist analyzed by a laboratory accredited by the Minister under section 118.6 of the Act, with regard to the following parameters:
— total nitrogen;
— calcium;
— magnesium;
— dry matter;
— total phosphorus;
— potassium.
In addition, where for the purposes of the third paragraph of section 31, the agrologist who prepared the agro-environmental fertilization plan indicated therein that it is necessary, the analysis must also pertain to the following parameters:
— ammoniacal nitrogen;
— carbon/nitrogen ratio.
In order to complete characterization, the mandate given to the agrologist must also provide that the latter is to evaluate, using the method of his or her choice, the annual volume of animal waste produced on the raising site.
The operator must keep a copy of every laboratory’s certificate of analysis and of the characterization report made by the agrologist pursuant to his or her mandate for a minimum of 5 years from the date of signature and provide them to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 606-2010, s. 14; O.C. 671-2013, s. 5.
This section comes into force on:
— 1 January 2011 for operators of a raising site with liquid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of more than 5,000 kg;
— 1 January 2012 for operators of a raising site with liquid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of 5,000 kg or less;
— 1 January 2013 for operators of a raising site with solid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of more than 3,200 kg;
— 1 January 2014 for operators of a raising site with solid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of more than 1,600 kg without exceeding 3,200 kg. (O.C. 606-2010, s. 41)
28.2. The annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of a raising site referred to in section 28.1 may, despite that section, be determined in accordance with section 50.01 by using the data of Schedule VI instead of the data in Schedule VII referred to in the first paragraph of that section.
In such a case, an operator referred to in section 28.1 and availing himself or herself of this section must so notify an agrologist in writing and give the agrologist a written mandate to establish, in the manner provided for in the first paragraph, the annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of the operator’s raising site.
The annual phosphorus (P2O5) production so established must be used to carry out the agro-environmental fertilization plan and any phosphorus report concerning the raising site and will be taken into account throughout the year for which the annual production was established. The annual phosphorus (P2O5) production will also be taken into account for subsequent years unless the operator notifies the agrologist in writing of the his or her decision to be subject to section 28.1 and gives the agrologist a mandate to characterize the animal waste produced by the operator’s raising site in accordance with that section. The operator is then deemed to be a new operator with respect to compulsory consecutive characterization that must be carried out for the first 2 years of existence of a raising site, in accordance with the third paragraph of section 28.3. In such a case, the operator may not avail himself or herself of this section again before the expiry of the 5-year period provided for in section 28.3.
The operator must keep a copy of the annual phosphorus (P2O5) production as calculated by the agrologist pursuant to his or her mandate and of any notice provided for in this section for a minimum of 5 years from the date of signature and provide them to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
This section comes into force on:
— 1 January 2011 for operators of a raising site with liquid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of more than 5,000 kg;
— 1 January 2012 for operators of a raising site with liquid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of 5,000 kg or less;
— 1 January 2013 for operators of a raising site with solid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of more than 3,200 kg;
— 1 January 2014 for operators of a raising site with solid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of more than 1,600 kg without exceeding 3,200 kg. (O.C. 606-2010, s. 41)
O.C. 606-2010, s. 14; O.C. 671-2013, s. 6.
28.3. Characterization as provided for in sections 28.1 and 28.2 must be made, for each 5-year period of existence of the raising site, at least 2 consecutive years included in that 5-year period.
For a raising site existing on 5 August 2010, characterization is compulsory for that site’s operator for the first 2 years that follow the date of coming into force of sections 28.1 to 28.3.
For a raising site established as of 5 August 2010, characterization is compulsory for the year of establishment and the subsequent year. However, where a raising site is established after 1 April of a year, characterization must be made for the 2 full years that follow the year of establishment.
The time elapsed between 2 non-consecutive characterizations may not exceed 5 years.
This section comes into force on:
— 1 January 2011 for operators of a raising site with liquid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of more than 5,000 kg;
— 1 January 2012 for operators of a raising site with liquid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of 5,000 kg or less;
— 1 January 2013 for operators of a raising site with solid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of more than 3,200 kg;
— 1 January 2014 for operators of a raising site with solid manure management having an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production of more than 1,600 kg without exceeding 3,200 kg. (O.C. 606-2010, s. 41)
O.C. 606-2010, s. 14.
28.4. The operator of a site referred to in section 28.1 may use a nutrient balance method to establish the raising site’s annual phosphorus (P2O5) production. For that purpose, the operator must give a written mandate to an agrologist to collect the data required to establish a nutrient balance method, make the calculations pertaining to the nutrient balance method and prepare the annual report on the nutrient balance method. The mandate must be given not later than 1 April of the year preceding the year in which the nutrient balance method will be used.
A nutrient balance method may be used if the following conditions are met:
(1)  only the following types of animals are concerned:
(a)  pullets - eggs for consumption;
(b)  laying hens - eggs for consumption;
(c)  suidae other than wild boar;
(2)  a characterization referred to in section 28.1 must have been made for the raising site, in accordance with the first paragraph of section 28.3.
The annual phosphorus (P2O5) production calculated using the method referred to in this section is established in an annual report, dated and signed by the agrologist, which the operator must obtain not later than 1 April following the period covered by the data collection, and which must contain the following information:
(1)  the period covered by the use of a nutrient balance method;
(2)  the quantity of each type of food and ingredient used for each type of animal referred to in the nutrient balance method during the period covered by the annual report;
(3)  the total phosphorus content of each lot of food or ingredients received or produced and supplied to each type of animal during the period covered by the annual report; that content must be established by a laboratory, or have been established by the manufacturer or supplier of the food or ingredients;
(4)  for the period covered by the annual report, the number and average weight of all animals, according to type, that entered, left, died and were in inventory, the average weight gain of animals and, where applicable, the number of eggs produced and their average weight;
(5)  an estimate of the phosphorus (P2O5) content of animal waste produced for each type of animal covered by the annual report.
Despite the fourth paragraph of section 28.3, where the method referred to in the first paragraph is used, the time elapsed between 2 non-consecutive characterizations for the animals referred to in the annual report may not exceed 10 years. In such a case, despite the sixth paragraph of section 28.1, the documents referred to in that paragraph must be kept for a minimum of 10 years from the date of signature.
The annual report and the data used to prepare it must be kept by the operator for a minimum of 5 years from the date of signature of the report. They must be provided to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 1460-2022, s. 1.
29. The operator of a parcel cultivated under an agro-environmental plan must have its phosphorus content and percentage saturation analyzed by a laboratory accredited by the Minister under section 118.6 of the Act.
The analysis must pertain to all the parameters necessary for the parcel’s use, and the following parameters are mandatory:
— aluminum;
— calcium;
— magnesium;
— organic matter;
— pH (water);
— pH (buffer);
— phosphorus;
— potassium.
The operator and the owner of the parcel must be in possession of a copy of the certificate of analysis and keep it for a minimum of 5 years from the date of signature and provide it to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
The analysis must not have been made more than 5 years prior to the fertilization year.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 29; O.C. 606-2010, s. 15.
29.1. The spreading of the following fertilizing materials or a product containing any amount of such materials on a parcel of land where a crop for human consumption is grown, or on pasture land, is prohibited:
(1)  compost from all or any part of a carcass of a mammal or fowl, including a carcass originating outside Québec; and
(2)  sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant or any other wastewater treatment or collection system, including sludge originating outside Québec.
Subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph does not apply:
(1)  to food waste compost composed of organic, vegetal or animal matter, of domestic origin or derived from the preparation, consumption or distribution of food or drink; or
(2)  to sewage sludge compost from a wastewater treatment plant of a slaughterhouse, rendering plant or other meat processing plant.
The first paragraph does not apply to the fertilizing materials to which it refers if they are certified compliant with CAN/BNQ Standard 0413-200 or 0413-400, or with BNQ Standard 0419-090.
O.C. 906-2005, s. 7; O.C. 1006-2007, s. 1.
29.2. The spreading on any parcel of land of sludge from a municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plant or any other wastewater treatment or collection system, as well as de-inking sludge from pulp and paper mills, where the sludge originates from outside Canada, or any product containing such sludge, is prohibited.
O.C. 983-2023, s. 1.
30. The spreading of fertilizers is prohibited in the following environments:
(1)  the littoral zone of a lake or watercourse, a wetland, and a 3 m strip along or around them;
(2)  a ditch and a 1 m strip along the ditch.
Livestock waste must be spread in such manner that the waste cannot reach the environments described in the first paragraph.
Subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph does not apply to
(1)  a part of a wetland cultivated in accordance with sections 340.1 and 345.1 of the Regulation respecting the regulatory scheme applying to activities on the basis of their environmental impact (chapter Q-2, r. 17.1), a declaration of compliance referred to in section 343.1 of that Regulation and produced in accordance with that Regulation, or an authorization for cultivation issued pursuant to subparagraph 4 of the first paragraph of section 22 of the Act;
(2)  within the strip of the part of a wetland referred to in subparagraph 1.
For the purposes of the first paragraph, where a municipality adopts a by-law delimiting a strip of a lake, watercourse, wetland or ditch of a width that exceeds the widths provided for in the first paragraph, the municipality may, despite section 118.3.3 of the Act, apply that width.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 30; O.C. 1596-2021, s. 87.
31. Fertilizers must be spread on ground that is not frozen or covered with snow.
Fertilizers may only be spread between 1 April and 1 October of each year.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, fertilizers may be spread after 1 October on ground that is not frozen or covered with snow if the agrologist who prepared the agro-environmental fertilization plan specifies a new prohibition period. In addition, if the fertilizers to be spread are from livestock waste, the proportion of that waste must be lower than 35% of the annual volume produced by the raising site.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 31; O.C. 906-2005, s. 8.
32. The spreading of livestock waste with mobile or stationary spreading equipment designed to project livestock waste at a distance of more than 25 m is prohibited.
Livestock waste from liquid manure management must be spread with low-ramp equipment or other low-trajectory broadcast equipment whose exit point put in place to project liquid manure is at a maximum height of 1 m above the ground and that projects manure over a distance of not more than 2 m to reach the ground.
Despite the second paragraph, livestock waste from liquid manure management exclusively from dairy or beef cattle raising, except veal calf raising, may also be spread with low-trajectory broadcast equipment whose exit point put into place to project liquid manure is at a maximum height of 1.2 m above the ground and that projects manure over a distance of not more than 5.5 m to reach the ground.
Livestock waste from solid manure management from raisings referred to in the third paragraph may also be spread by means of equipment provided for in the second and third paragraphs, provided that the waste’s water content has reached at least 85% before spreading, by being exposed to natural precipitations, by adding water until that water content is reached, or by a combination of both methods.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 32; O.C. 906-2005, s. 9; O.C. 606-2010, s. 16.
33. An operator of a raising site who ships the livestock waste produced to a facility that may receive livestock waste under the Act to treat and transform it into useful products or dispose of it shall enter into an agreement with the operator of that facility.
Each party to the agreement shall keep a copy of the agreement for a minimum of 5 years after it expires. They must provide it to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 33; O.C. 606-2010, s. 17; O.C. 871-2020, s. 2.
34. An operator of a raising site who ships the livestock waste produced to a facility that may receive livestock waste under the Act to treat and transform it into useful products or dispose of it shall keep a shipping register and record the relevant information on the waste shipped.
The operator must keep a copy of the document for a minimum of 5 years after the date of the last shipment. The operator must provide it to the Minister upon request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 34; O.C. 606-2010, s. 18; O.C. 871-2020, s. 3.
35. Every operator of a raising site referred to in subparagraphs 1 and 3 of the second paragraph of section 22 must have a phosphorus report of the raising site drawn up yearly and signed by an agrologist, establishing the annual phosphorus production volume combined with any other fertilizer used, as well as the volume that may be spread in accordance with Schedule I on the lots available.
Every operator of a spreading site referred to in subparagraph 2 of the second paragraph of section 22 must have a phosphorus report of the spreading site drawn up yearly and signed by an agrologist, establishing the annual phosphorus volume received from all fertilizer as well as the volume that may be spread in accordance with Schedule I on the lots available.
The report must be updated upon any change in the raising or spreading site that may have an impact on data taken into consideration while the phosphorous report was being drawn up.
The operator must immediately notify in writing an agrologist of any change referred to in the preceding paragraph and give the agrologist the mandate to update within 30 days his or her phosphorus report to take that change into account. In addition, the operator must immediately inform in writing the director of the Centre de contrôle environnemental of the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs in the region where the raising site or spreading site is situated, of the change where the operator no longer has cultivated parcels corresponding to the required area pursuant to section 20, 20.1 or 50.
The yearly phosphorus report and any update due to a change must be dated and signed by an agrologist. The operator’s signature on the report and each of its updates certifies that the information provided to the agrologist is accurate. They must be given on the form prescribed by the Minister, available on the website of the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs.
The report and any update must contain the identity of the operator, a description of the raising site, specify the number of animals present and planned on the site, the categories provided for in Schedule VII to which the animals belong and, for the raising site and spreading site, a description of all fertilizers produced, where applicable, received or used, as well as all information on the fertilization and area of parcels available, treatment, transformation or disposal of any fertilizer.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 35; O.C. 1330-2002, s. 2; O.C. 606-2010, s. 19; O.C. 269-2012, s. 1.
35.1. As of 1 January 2011, every operator of a raising site or spreading site referred to in section 35 must send the yearly phosphorus report to the Minister not later than 15 May of each year.
Where, after a change in the raising site or spreading site, the operator no longer has cultivated parcels corresponding to the area required pursuant to section 20, 20.1 or 50, the operator must immediately send to the Minister the update of the phosphorus report made in accordance with section 35.
The transmission to the Minister must be done electronically using the electronic services, by an agrologist mandated for that purpose by the operator.
When the yearly phosphorus report or update is sent electronically, the agrologist certifies that
(1)  the report or update was established in accordance with section 35;
(2)  the operator’s signature on the report or update certifies that the information provided to the agrologist is accurate.
Once the yearly phosphorus report or update has been sent to the Minister, the Minister acknowledges its receipt and admissibility by email to the agrologist and, where applicable, to the operator if the document sent indicates the operator’s email address. The agrologist must ensure that the confirmation of receipt and admissibility of the yearly phosphorus report or update sent to the Minister is held by the operator.
O.C. 269-2012, s. 2.
35.2. The operator must keep a copy of the yearly phosphorus report and, as the case may be, of each subsequent update for a minimum of 5 years from the date of signature by the agrologist.
The operator must also keep for a minimum of 5 years
(1)  a copy of the notice given to the agrologist pursuant to the fourth paragraph of section 35, as of the date on which the notice is sent;
(2)  a copy of any document confirming the receipt and admissibility of the yearly phosphorus report or update sent to the Minister, as of the date on which it was received in accordance with the fourth paragraph of section 35.1.
The operator must provide a copy on request to the Minister within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 269-2012, s. 2.
36. Every operator of a raising site must, at the request of the Minister and within the time indicated by the Minister send to the Minister a true copy certified by La Financière agricole du Québec of the most recent final payment statement it issued to the operator with respect to the insured units.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 36; O.C. 606-2010, s. 20.
37. Wastewater from farm dairies must be recovered according to one of the following methods:
(1)  for an operation with liquid manure management, water must flow into the storage facility or, where permitted, into a sewer system; or
(2)  for an operation with solid manure management equipped with a storage facility and a holding basin, water must flow into the holding basin or, where permitted, into a sewer system.
For a raising site with solid manure management existing on 15 June 2002 and equipped with a storage facility and a holding basin that does not have sufficient capacity to recover liquid dairy waste, the requirement in subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph applies only where the number of livestock is increased for that site and the increase justifies the increased storage capacity.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 37.
38. Livestock waste must be transported in a watertight container.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 38.
O.C. 695-2002, c. IV; I.N. 2019-12-01; O.C. 871-2020, s. 4.
O.C. 695-2002, Div. I; I.N. 2019-12-01; O.C. 871-2020, s. 4.
39. (Revoked).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 39; O.C. 906-2005, s. 10; O.C. 606-2010, s. 21; S.Q. 2017, c. 4, s. 262; I.N. 2019-12-01; O.C. 871-2020, s. 4.
40. (Revoked).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 40; O.C. 606-2010, s. 22; I.N. 2019-12-01; O.C. 871-2020, s. 4.
41. (Revoked).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 41; O.C. 606-2010, s. 23; I.N. 2019-12-01; O.C. 871-2020, s. 4.
O.C. 695-2002, Div. II; I.N. 2019-12-01; O.C. 871-2020, s. 4.
42. (Revoked).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 42; O.C. 606-2010, s. 24; S.Q. 2017, c. 4, s. 263; I.N. 2019-12-01; O.C. 871-2020, s. 4.
43. (Revoked).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 43; O.C. 606-2010, s. 25; I.N. 2019-12-01; O.C. 871-2020, s. 4.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 7.
43.1. A monetary administrative penalty of $250 in the case of a natural person or $1,000 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to comply with the conditions provided for in the third paragraph of section 9 relating to the lease referred to therein;
(2)  to comply with the conditions provided for in the third paragraph of section 9.1.1 relating to documents produced by an agrologist;
(3)  to comply with the conditions provided for in section 9.2 relating to a storage register;
(4)  to ensure that a permanent marker indicates the the drain outlet’s location in accordance with the second paragraph of section 12;
(5)  to comply with the conditions provided for in section 16 relating to a storage agreement;
(6)  to comply with the conditions provided for in section 21 relating to the agreement or lease referred to therein;
(7)  to hold an agro-environmental fertilization plan signed by an authorized person and whose compliance has been certified by the signatory in accordance with section 24;
(8)  to comply with the conditions provided for in section 33 relating to an agreement for the treatment or disposal of livestock waste;
(9)  to comply with the conditions provided for in section 34 relating to a shipping register;
(10)  to comply with the conditions provided for in the fifth paragraph of section 35 relating to a phosphorus report;
(11)  to send the phosphorous report in accordance with the third, fourth or fifth paragraph of section 35.1;
(12)  to keep the documents in accordance with the conditions provided for in section 35.2;
(13)  to send, at the request of the Minister, the most recent final payment statement with respect to the insured units in accordance with section 36;
(14)  to send a notice or to provide information or a document required under this Regulation or to comply with the time limits and procedure for filing, if no other monetary administrative penalty is provided for such a case;
(15)  (paragraph revoked).
O.C. 671-2013, s. 7; O.C. 871-2020, s. 5; O.C. 983-2023, s. 2.
43.2. A monetary administrative penalty of $350 in the case of a natural person or $1,500 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to comply with the requirements provided for in the second paragraph of section 9.1.1 relating to the inspections and reports provided for therein;
(2)  to attach to the plan, at the end of the crop season, the report on the fertilization actually carried out provided for in section 25;
(3)  to keep a copy of the plan referred to in section 26 in accordance with the conditions provided for therein;
(4)  to keep a spreading register, to record the relevant information, to keep it during the period referred to or to provide it to the Minister upon request in accordance with section 27;
(5)  to keep a copy of every laboratory’s certificate of analysis or of the characterization report made by the agrologist for the period referred to or to provide it to the Minister upon request in accordance with the sixth paragraph of section 28.1 or, as the case may be, the fourth paragraph of section 28.4;
(6)  to keep a copy of the annual phosphorus production as calculated for the period referred to and to provide it to the Minister upon request in accordance with the fourth paragraph of section 28.2;
(6.1)  to keep the annual report and the data used to prepare it during the period referred to or to provide them to the Minister upon request in accordance with the fifth paragraph of section 28.4;
(7)  to keep a copy of the certificate of analysis for the period referred to or to provide it to the Minister upon request in accordance with the third paragraph of section 29.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 7; O.C. 1460-2022, s. 2.
43.3. A monetary administrative penalty of $500 in the case of a natural person or $2,500 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to obtain, before laying out each pile, a recommendation dated and signed by an agrologist pertaining to the conditions for laying out the pile in accordance with the first paragraph of section 9.1.1;
(2)  to remove and reclaim or eliminate at least once a year livestock waste accumulated over the year in a yard as provided for in section 17.1;
(3)  to own or lease cultivated parcels or enter into written spreading agreements with a third party for the use of cultivated parcels in accordance with the second paragraph of section 20;
(4)  to ensure that an agro-environmental plan complies with the prescriptions in section 23;
(5)  to ensure a follow-up of the recommendations contained in the agro-environmental plan at the end of crop season in accordance with section 25;
(6)  to have animal waste analyzed by a laboratory accredited by the Minister for the parameters provided for in the third or fourth paragraph of section 28.1;
(7)  to comply with the frequencies of characterization provided for in sections 28.1 and 28.2 or, as the case may be, the fourth paragraph of section 28.4 in accordance with section 28.3;
(7.1)  to obtain an annual report dated and signed by an agrologist containing the information on the nutrient balance method, in accordance with the third paragraph of section 28.4;
(8)  to have analyzed, by a laboratory accredited by the Minister, the phosphorus content and percentage saturation of a cultivated parcel in accordance with the first paragraph of section 29;
(9)  to hold a phosphorus report or an update of the report containing the information provided for in the sixth paragraph of section 35.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 7; O.C. 1460-2022, s. 3.
43.4. A monetary administrative penalty of $750 in the case of a natural person or $3,500 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to protect by means of a watertight floor the soil on which a livestock building is constructed or laid out from any contact with the livestock waste produced therein or to use a building that has the capacity to store, without overflow, all of the livestock waste produced therein between each waste removal in accordance with section 8;
(2)  to have a storage facility having the capacity to accumulate, without overflow, for the entire period where the livestock waste may not be spread, the livestock waste produced in the raising facilities as well as all other waste that may be received by the facility in accordance with section 10;
(3)  to have a storage facility that complies with the conditions provided for in section 11;
(4)  to have a storage facility that complies with the conditions provided for in the first or third paragraph of section 12;
(5)  to maintain in a fully watertight condition livestock waste removal equipment in accordance with section 13;
(6)  to remove, before there is any overflow of the substances contained, livestock waste stored in a storage facility in accordance with section 15;
(7)  to lay out a yard so that no runoff can reach it in accordance with section 17;
(8)  to reclaim or eliminate livestock waste stored according to the conditions provided for in section 19;
(9)  to give a written mandate to an agrologist to characterize the livestock waste in accordance with the first or fifth paragraph of section 28.1;
(10)  to comply with the conditions provided so that the annual phosphorus production of a raising site may be determined in accordance with section 50.01 using the data of Schedule VI as provided for in the first or third paragraph of section 28.2;
(11)  to notify in writing and give an agrologist a written mandate to establish the annual phosphorus production in the case provided for in the second paragraph of section 28.2;
(12)  to comply with the spreading period or the spreading conditions provided for in the second or third paragraph of section 31;
(12.1)  to give a written mandate to an agrologist, within the time provided for, where a nutrient balance method is used, in accordance with the first paragraph of section 28.4;
(12.2)  to comply with the conditions set out for the use of the nutrient balance method, in accordance with the second paragraph of section 28.4;
(13)  to comply with the spreading conditions provided for in section 32;
(14)  to comply with the conditions related to the phosphorus report provided for in the first, second, third or fourth paragraph of section 35;
(15)  to comply with the conditions related to the time limits for sending the phosphorus report or the report’s update as specified in the first or second paragraph of section 35.1;
(16)  to recover wastewater from farm dairies on the conditions provided for in section 37;
(17)  to transport livestock waste in accordance with section 38.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 7; O.C. 1460-2022, s. 4.
43.5. A monetary administrative penalty of $1,000 in the case of a natural person or $5,000 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to prohibit livestock from having access to a watercourse, lake or pond, or to a 3 m strip along or around them in accordance with the second paragraph of section 4;
(2)  to have a watertight storage facility for a raising site with liquid or solid manure management in accordance with the first paragraph of section 9;
(3)  to comply with the conditions provided for in section 9.1 for storing solid manure piles in a cultivated field;
(4)  to comply with the conditions set in section 9.3 for storing solid manure piles near a farm building;
(5)  to take every measure to prevent or stop any overflow or leakage from a storage facility in accordance with section 14;
(6)  to comply with the conditions related to spreading or establish an agro-environmental fertilization plan provided for in section 22;
(7)  (paragraph revoked);
(8)  (paragraph revoked);
(9)  to comply with the conditions set out in the third or fourth paragraph of section 50.3 for crop cultivation on a portion of land referred to in subparagraph 5 of the second paragraph of that section;
(9.1)  to comply with the conditions set in section 50.3.2 for crop cultivation in the sites referred to in that section;
(9.2)  to implement the mitigation measures referred to in section 50.3.3 where required under that section;
(10)  to comply with the conditions for moving a cultivated parcel provided for in section 50.4.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 7; I.N. 2019-12-01; O.C. 871-2020, s. 6; O.C. 1596-2021, s. 88; O.C. 983-2023, s. 3.
43.6. A monetary administrative penalty of $1,500 in the case of a natural person or $7,500 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to comply with the prohibition of erecting, laying out or expanding a raising or storage facility in a watercourse, lake or open wetland and the 15 m strip along or around them, as provided for in the first paragraph of section 6;
(1.1)  to comply with the prohibition on the erection or laying out of a raising or storage facility in a high-velocity flood zone, as provided for in the second paragraph of section 6;
(2)  to have, at the beginning of each annual growing season and for all the season, cultivated parcels that correspond to the total area required for the purpose of spreading livestock waste or surplus waste and other fertilizers in accordance with the first paragraph of section 20;
(3)  to have, at the beginning of each annual growing season and for all the season, cultivated parcels that correspond to the total area required for the purpose of spreading fertilizers in accordance with the first paragraph of section 20.1;
(4)  to spread fertilizers on ground that is not frozen or covered with snow in accordance with the first paragraph of section 31;
(4.1)  to comply with the prohibition of using spreading equipment designed to project livestock waste at a distance of more than 25 m, as provided for in the first paragraph of section 32;
(5)  to comply with the deadlines provided for in section 50;
(6)  to comply with the prohibition of cultivation provided for in the first paragraph of section 50.3.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 7; O.C. 1596-2021, s. 89; O.C. 983-2023, s. 4.
43.7. A monetary administrative penalty of $2,000 in the case of a natural person or $10,000 in other cases may be imposed on any person who fails
(1)  to comply with the prohibition of depositing, discharging, spreading, receiving, keeping in deposit or allowing the deposit, discharge, spreading or keeping in deposit of livestock waste except to the extent provided for in this Regulation in accordance with the first paragraph of section 4;
(2)  to take the measures necessary to prevent livestock waste from entering the surface or subsurface water or to take the measures required to terminate the discharge, deposit, storage or spreading of livestock waste and to immediately remove such substances from the lot or to restore it to its previous condition in accordance with section 5;
(3)  to comply with the prohibition to the effect that contaminated water from a yard must not enter the surface water in accordance with section 18;
(4)  to comply with the prohibition of spreading on a parcel of land where a crop for human consumption is grown, or on pasture land fertilizing materials or a product containing any amount of such materials mentioned in section 29.1;
(4.1)  to comply with the prohibition of spreading on any parcel of land sludge from a municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plant or any other wastewater treatment or collection system, as well as de-inking sludge from pulp and paper mills, where the sludge originates from outside Canada, or any product containing such sludge, in accordance with section 29.2;
(5)  to comply with the conditions for spreading provided for in section 30.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 7; O.C. 983-2023, s. 5.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 8.
44. Every person who contravenes the third paragraph of section 9 or 9.1.1, section 9.2, the second paragraph of section 12, section 16, 21, 24, 33 or 34, the fifth paragraph of section 35, the third, fourth or fifth paragraph of section 35.1 or section 35.2 or 36 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $1,000 to $100,000 or, in other cases, to a fine of $3,000 to $600,000. Every person who refuses or neglects to send a notice or to provide information or a document required under this Regulation or to comply with the time limits and procedure for filing, if no other penalty is provided for such a case, also commits an offence and is liable to the same fine.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 44; O.C. 1098-2004, s. 1; O.C. 906-2005, s. 11; O.C. 606-2010, s. 26; O.C. 671-2013, s. 8; O.C. 871-2020, s. 7; O.C. 983-2023, s. 6.
44.1. Every person who contravenes the second paragraph of section 9.1.1, section 26 or 27, the sixth paragraph of section 28.1, the fourth paragraph of section 28.2, the fifth paragraph of section 28.4 or the third paragraph of section 29 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $2,000 to $100,000 or, in other cases, to a fine of $6,000 to $600,000.
Every person who
(1)  fails to attach to the plan, at the end of the growing season, the fertilization report actually carried out provided for in section 25,
(2)  fails to keep the annual report and the documents referred to in the fourth paragraph of section 28.4 for the period provided for therein,
also commits an offence and is liable to the same fines.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 8; O.C. 1460-2022, s. 5.
44.2. Every person who contravenes the first paragraph of section 9.1.1, section 17.1, the second paragraph of section 20, section 23, the third or fourth paragraph of section 28.1, section 28.3, the third paragraph of section 28.4, the first paragraph of section 29 and the sixth paragraph of section 35 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $2,500 to $250,000 or, in other cases, to a fine of $7,500 to $1,500,000.
Every person who
(1)  fails to ensure the follow-up of the recommendations contained in the agro-environmental plan at the end of the crop season in accordance with section 25,
(2)  fails to comply with the characterization frequency provided for in the fourth paragraph of section 28.4,
also commits an offence and is liable to the same fines.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 8; O.C. 1460-2022, s. 6.
44.3. Every person who contravenes section 8, 10 or 11, the first or third paragraph of section 12, section 13, 15, 17 or 19, the first or fifth paragraph of section 28.1, the first, second or third paragraph of section 28.2, the first or second paragraph of section 28.4, the second or third paragraph of section 31, the second, third or fourth paragraph of section 32, the first, second, third or fourth paragraph of section 35, the first or second paragraph of section 35.1 or section 37 or 38 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $4,000 to $250,000 or, in other cases, to a fine of $12,000 to $1,500,000.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 8; O.C. 1460-2022, s. 7; O.C. 983-2023, s. 7.
44.4. Every person who contravenes the second paragraph of section 4, the first paragraph of section 9, section 9.1, 9.3, 14 or 22, the third or fourth paragraph of section 50.3, section 50.3.2, 50.3.3 or 50.4 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $5,000 to $500,000 or, despite article 231 of the Code of Penal Procedure (chapter C-25.1), to a maximum term of imprisonment of 18 months, or to both the fine and imprisonment, or, in other cases, to a fine of $15,000 to $3,000,000.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 8; O.C. 871-2020, s. 8; O.C. 1460-2022, s. 8; O.C. 983-2023, s. 8.
44.5. Every person who contravenes section 6, the first paragraph of section 20, the first paragraph of section 20.1, the first paragraph of section 31, the first paragraph of section 32, section 50 or the first paragraph of section 50.3 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $8,000 to $500,000 or, despite article 231 of the Code of Penal Procedure (chapter C-25.1), to a maximum term of imprisonment of 18 months, or to both the fine and imprisonment, or, in other cases, to a fine of $24,000 to $3,000,000.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 8; O.C. 983-2023, s. 9.
44.6. Every person who contravenes the first paragraph of section 40, section 5, 18, 29.1 or 29.2 or the first or second paragraph of section 30 commits an offence and is liable, in the case of a natural person, to a fine of $10,000 to $1,000,000 or, despite article 231 of the Code of Penal Procedure (chapter C-25.1), to a maximum term of imprisonment of 3 years, or to both the fine and imprisonment, or, in other cases, to a fine of $30,000 to $6,000,000.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 8; O.C. 1596-2021, s. 90; O.C. 983-2023, s. 10.
44.7. Every person who contravenes any other requirement imposed by this Regulation also commits an offence and is liable, where no other penalty is provided for in this Division or the Act, to a fine of $1,000 to $100,000 in the case of a natural person or, in other cases, to a fine of $3,000 to $600,000.
O.C. 671-2013, s. 8.
O.C. 695-2002, Div. I; O.C. 1098-2004, s. 2.
45. (Obsolete).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 45; O.C. 1098-2004, s. 3.
46. (Obsolete).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 46; O.C. 1330-2002, s. 3; O.C. 1098-2004, s. 4; O.C. 906-2005, s. 12.
47. (Obsolete).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 47; O.C. 1330-2002, s. 4; O.C. 1098-2004, s. 5; O.C. 906-2005, s. 13.
47.1. (Obsolete).
O.C. 1098-2004, s. 5; O.C. 906-2005, s. 14.
48. (Revoked).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 48; O.C. 1330-2002, s. 5; O.C. 1098-2004, s. 6.
48.1. (Obsolete).
O.C. 1330-2002, s. 6.
O.C. 906-2005, s. 15; O.C. 671-2013, s. 9.
48.2. (Revoked).
O.C. 906-2005, s. 15; O.C. 606-2010, s. 27.
48.3. (Revoked).
O.C. 906-2005, s. 15; O.C. 606-2010, s. 27.
48.4. (Revoked).
O.C. 906-2005, s. 15; O.C. 671-2013, s. 9.
49. (Revoked).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 49; O.C. 606-2010, s. 28; O.C. 671-2013, s. 9.
50. The operator of a raising site existing on 15 June 2002 that was established in accordance with the law and whose annual phosphorus (P2O5) production combined with any other fertilizer used, if any, is greater than the phosphorus (P2O5) load that may be spread in accordance with Schedule I shall take the measures required to reduce that excess and comply with the following deadlines:
— from 1 April 2010, have available the areas required for the entire phosphorus (P2O5) load.
This section does not apply to operators of raising sites existing on 15 June 2002 who increase the number of animals in relation to the operating rights; operators must then have available the areas required for the entire phosphorus (P2O5) load produced combined with the load of any other fertilizer used.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 50; O.C. 671-2013, s. 10.
50.01. Despite the definition of “annual phosphorus (P2O5) production” provided for in section 3, the annual phosphorus (P2O5) production is determined, for the purposes of sections 9.3, 22 and 28.1, by multiplying the number of animals present and planned of a category in a raising site, specified in the yearly phosphorus report applicable to the growing season in progress or, as the case may be, in its latest update, by the factor assigned to that category in Schedule VII.
Where the number of animals present in a raising site at any time during a growing season is higher than the number specified in the phosphorus report or its latest update, the highest number must be used for the purpose of calculating the annual phosphorus production.
If more than one category of animals is present or planned in the raising site, the annual phosphorus production is the total obtained by adding the production of each category.
O.C. 606-2010, s. 29; O.C. 871-2020, s. 9.
50.1. For the purposes of section 50.3, the area used for the crop cultivation concerned corresponds to the total area of each cultivated parcel.
For the purposes of subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the second paragraph of that section, the area used for crop cultivation during the 2004 or 2005 growing season may include, if applicable, the area of any other lot or part of a lot that has been cultivated at least once in the preceding 14 growing seasons.
O.C. 1098-2004, s. 7; O.C. 906-2005, s. 16; O.C. 269-2012, s. 3.
50.1.1. For the purposes of subparagraph 2.1 of the second paragraph of section 50.3, the area used for the cultivation of the trees concerned may include the area of any other lot or part of a lot of a raising site or spreading site where such trees have been cultivated at least once
(a)  since the 2004 growing season for such a site situated in the territory of a municipality listed in Schedule II or III;
(b)  since the 2005 growing season for such a site situated in the territory of a municipality listed in Schedule V.
The owner of a raising site or spreading site must, before restoring such an area to cultivation, declare it on the form provided by the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks. In support of the declaration, the owner must attach one of the following documents to the declaration:
— a true copy certified by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of an aerial photograph of the raising site or spreading site on which the Minister indicates the year of the photograph, clearly identifies the area used for the cultivation of the trees concerned and specifies the area in hectares;
— a true copy certified by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the part relating to areas under cultivation of a registration slip of the agricultural operation;
— a copy of the part relating to areas under cultivation of the agro-environmental fertilization plan of the agricultural operation, certified true by the agrologist who established the plan.
The declaration of the owner of the raising site or spreading site must be received by the Minister not later than 26 April 2015.
O.C. 269-2012, s. 4.
50.2. (Revoked).
O.C. 1098-2004, s. 7; O.C. 906-2005, s. 17.
50.3. No person may cultivate crops in the territory of a municipality listed in any of Schedules II to V. The prohibition does not apply to the following crop cultivation: trees, other than the types referred to in subparagraph 2.1 of the second paragraph, shrubs, blueberry, cranberry, strawberry or raspberry plants and vines.
Crop cultivation to which the prohibition applies is however authorized
(1)  in a raising site or spreading site situated in the territory of a municipality listed in Schedule II or III and existing on 16 December 2004, over an area that does not exceed the area of that site used for such crop cultivation during the 2004 growing season;
(2)  in a raising site or spreading site situated in the territory of a municipality listed in Schedule V and existing on 19 October 2005, over an area that does not exceed the area of that site used for such crop cultivation during the 2005 growing season;
(2.1)  in a raising site or spreading site situated in the territory of a municipality listed in Schedules II, III and V and existing on 26 April 2012 over an area that does not exceed the area of that site used for crop cultivation during the 2011 growing season for the cultivation of fruit trees or conifers cultivated and used for ornamental purposes and harvested without their root systems;
(3)  on land whose area used for crop cultivation does not exceed 1 ha;
(4)  in an area previously occupied by a ditch, a farm road, a building or a man-made rock pile, in a raising site or spreading site situated in the territory of a municipality listed in Schedule II, III or V, provided that the crops are cultivated outside the littoral zone of a lake or watercourse and a 3 m strip from it; or
(5)  on a portion of land situated within the right of way of a Hydro-Québec power transmission line.
Where a portion of land referred to in subparagraph 5 of the second paragraph is added to the parcels cultivated by an operator, the operator must, at least 30 days before the beginning of the required work, send a notice to the Minister to inform the Minister that the portion of land will be cultivated. The requirement to notify the Minister also applies to a portion of land already used for crop cultivation authorized under the first paragraph of this section before 18 December 2023 if that crop is changed for one that was prohibited before that date.
The notice referred to in the third paragraph must include the type of crop grown and, where the operator is not the owner of the parcel, an attestation that a lease was granted by the owner. The notice is also accompanied by a location certificate identifying the right of way of the power transmission line and the portion of cultivated land within that right of way.
O.C. 1098-2004, s. 7; O.C. 906-2005, s. 18; O.C. 606-2010, s. 30; O.C. 269-2012, s. 5; O.C. 1460-2022, s. 9; O.C. 983-2023, s. 11.
50.3.1. Despite the first paragraph of section 50.3, crop cultivation to which the prohibition applies is permitted before the planting of land intended for crop cultivation to which the prohibition does not apply or between 2 production cycles on a parcel used for crop cultivation to which the prohibition does not apply for a maximum period of 24 months, on the following conditions:
(a)  an agrologist recommends it in writing to the person who cultivates the parcel or land;
(b)  the agrologist’s recommendation shows that the chosen crop will allow to solve a phytosanitary problem affecting the parcel or will improve the physicochemical and biological properties of the soil of the parcel or, before its planting, of the land concerned;
(c)  the agrologist’s recommendation specifies the area in hectares of the chosen crop, its duration and the designation of the parcel or land.
The recommendation must be kept by the person who cultivates the parcel or land for a minimum of 5 years from the date of signature by the agrologist or be attached to the agro-environmental fertilization plan where the person is required to establish an agro-environmental fertilization plan under section 22. The person who cultivates the parcel or land must provide a copy of that recommendation to the Minister on request within the time indicated by the Minister.
O.C. 269-2012, s. 6.
50.3.2. Despite the first paragraph of section 50.3, crop cultivation to which the prohibition applies is permitted on part of a lot situated in a watershed referred to in Schedule V.1 with regard to the territory of a municipality identified therein, regardless of whether that part of a lot has ever been cultivated or has been used to cultivate the crops referred to in the first paragraph of section 50.3, on the following conditions:
(1)  the lot on which the part to be cultivated is situated must include a parcel that is used to cultivate the crops to which the prohibition applies or that has been used to cultivate such crops at least once since the 2013 growing season;
(2)  the operator sends a notice to the Minister at least 30 days before the beginning of the required work to inform the Minister that the portion of land will be cultivated or that the crop grown on it will be changed if, in the latter case, the new crop was prohibited under section 50.3 before 18 December 2023;
(3)  the operator certifies to the Minister that the mitigation measures provided for in section 50.3.3 will be implemented and complied with;
(4)  a land surveyor certifies to the Minister that the parcel is situated in a watershed referred to in Schedule V.1 and specifies, in particular, the name of the watershed concerned and, where the parcel is situated in more than one watershed, the identification of the limits of the parcel on a location certificate;
(5)  the parcel is identified on a georeferenced plan sent to the Minister, which includes the number of the lot on which the parcel is situated, the name of the cadastre in which the lot is situated and, where the parcel is situated in more than one watershed, the limits of the watersheds concerned.
Where a lot is situated partially in a watershed listed in Schedule V.1 and partially in a watershed that is not listed, crop cultivation is permitted only on the portion situated in the watershed listed in Schedule V.1.
O.C. 983-2023, s. 12.
50.3.3. Where a portion of land referred to in subparagraph 5 of the second paragraph of section 50.3 or section 50.3.2 is added to the parcels cultivated by an operator or there is a change in the crop grown on it, the operator of a raising site or spreading site must implement the following mitigation measures, in addition to any condition provided for in the Regulation respecting the regulatory scheme applying to activities on the basis of their environmental impact (chapter Q-2, r. 17.1) and the Regulation respecting activities in wetlands, bodies of water and sensitive areas (chapter Q-2, r. 0.1):
(1)  with regard to all parcels cultivated by the operator:
(a)  despite sections 22 and 35, all spreading must be carried out in compliance with an agroenvironmental fertilization plan and a phosphorous report, drawn up in accordance with this Regulation, which spreading must be supported in the data obtained from a characterization of livestock waste carried out by an agrologist in accordance with section 28.1, even in the case of a raising site with solid manure management whose annual phosphorus (P2O5) production is 1,600 kg or less;
(b)  on 1 December of each year, the soil of at least 20% of the total areas cultivated by the operator must be entirely covered by rooted vegetation;
(c)  where the operator stores solid manure piles, in addition to the conditions provided for in section 9.1, the operator must do so more than 30 m away from any watercourse, ditch, lake or wetland, and outside of flood zones;
(2)  with regard to the new parcel under cultivation or the parcel undergoing a change of crop:
(a)  a vegetation strip at least 5 m wide, measured from the boundary of the littoral zone or the top of the embankment, if such an embankment is present, must be preserved in a natural or restored state, on either side of a watercourse;
(b)  a vegetation strip at least 3 m wide, measured from the boundary of the ditch or the top of the embankment, if such an embankment is present, must be preserved in a natural or restored state, on either side of a ditch;
(c)  on 1 December of each year, the area of that parcel must be entirely covered by rooted vegetation.
O.C. 983-2023, s. 12.
50.4. The owner of a raising site or a spreading site referred to in subparagraph 1, 2 or 2.1 of the second paragraph of section 50.3 may move a cultivated parcel on the following conditions:
(1)  a written notice to that effect, given on the form available on the website of the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, is transmitted electronically to the Minister at least 30 days before the beginning of work, other than tree-clearing work, containing the following elements:
(a)  the area and the location, using a georeferenced plan, of the parcel that will no longer be used for crop cultivation, as well as those of the parcel that will be cultivated after the move, including in particular the numbers of the lots on which each parcel is situated and the name of the cadastre in which they are situated;
(b)  where the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec or the Government has made a decision referred to in subparagraph 5, the number of the decision;
(c)  the signature of the owner or owners of the parcels concerned by the move;
(d)  a declaration by the agrologist certifying that crop cultivation on the new parcel will comply with the location standards applicable under a regulation made under the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2);
(2)  the new parcel that will be cultivated after the move is situated outside the littoral zone of a lake or watercourse and a 3 m strip from it;
(3)  where the new parcel that will be cultivated after the move is situated in a wetland, crop cultivation on that new parcel is authorized under subparagraph 4 of the first paragraph of section 22 of the Environment Quality Act, eligible for a declaration of compliance under section 343.1 of the Regulation respecting the regulatory scheme applying to activities on the basis of their environmental impact (chapter Q-2, r. 17.1), and declared in accordance with that Regulation or exempted under section 345.1 of that Regulation;
(4)  the new parcel that will be cultivated after the move is situated in the same municipality as the parcel that will no longer be used for crop cultivation, in a municipality bordering that municipality or in any other municipality situated within 50 km of the boundaries of the parcel that will no longer be used;
(5)  the owner of the parcel that will no longer be used for crop cultivation is also the owner of the new parcel that will be cultivated after the move, except where the parcel that will no longer be used for cultivation is subject to an expropriation or a decision of the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec or the Government confirming the loss of agricultural use.
For the purposes of subparagraph 5 of the first paragraph, the move must take place within 24 months after ownership of the property is transferred in accordance with one of the situations provided for in Division VI of Chapter II of Title III of Part I of the Act respecting expropriation (chapter E-25) or following the decision of the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec or the Government, as the case may be.
O.C. 906-2005, s. 19; O.C. 606-2010, s. 31; O.C. 269-2012, s. 7; O.C. 1460-2022, s. 10; S.Q. 2023, c. 27, s. 239.
50.5. Subject to section 35, any document, declaration of compliance or notice sent to the Minister, to the director of a Direction régionale de l’analyse et de l’expertise or to the regional director of a Centre de contrôle environnemental under this Regulation must be sent by any means providing proof of receipt.
Despite the first paragraph, the notices and documents referred to in sections 50.3 and 50.3.2 to be sent to the Minister must be sent electronically using the form available on the website of the Minister’s department.
O.C. 606-2010, s. 32; O.C. 269-2012, s. 8; I.N. 2016-01-01 (NCCP); I.N. 2019-12-01; O.C. 983-2023, s. 13.
51. (Obsolete).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 51; O.C. 906-2005, s. 20.
52. The requirement related to the agro-environmental fertilization plan under section 22 applies from
— 1 April 2003 for operators of spreading sites; and
— 1 April 2004 for raising sites with solid manure management whose annual phosphorus (P2O5) production is less than 3,200 kg but greater than 1,600 kg.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 52.
53. The provisions of this Regulation apply to the immovables in a reserved area or an agricultural zone established under the Act respecting the preservation of agricultural land and agricultural activities (chapter P-41.1).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 53.
54. This Regulation replaces the Regulation respecting the reduction of pollution from agricultural sources (O.C. 742-97, 97-06-04).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 54.
55. The Minister shall, not later than 15 June 2005, and thereafter every 5 years, report to the Government on the implementation of this Regulation, in particular on the necessity of changing the manure management standards based on current scientific and technical knowledge.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 55; O.C. 606-2010, s. 33.
56. Section 7 relating to the storage of solid manure piles in cultivated fields ceases to have effect on 19 October 2005.
Sections 45 and 47.1 concerning limited activity territories and swine production cease to have effect on 15 December 2005.
O.C. 695-2002, s. 56; O.C. 1197-2003, s. 1; O.C. 1098-2004, s. 8; O.C. 883-2005, s. 1.
56.1. Except in the case of the vegetation strip referred to in the first paragraph of section 335.1 of the Regulation respecting the regulatory scheme applying to activities on the basis of their environmental impact (chapter Q-2, r. 17.1), subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 30 does not apply to the cultivation of non-aquatic plants and mushrooms eligible for a declaration of compliance under section 335.1 of the Regulation respecting the regulatory scheme applying to activities on the basis of their environmental impact, and declared in accordance with that Regulation, provided that the following conditions are met:
(1)  for organic fertilizer,
(a)  it must be spread before 1 September each year;
(b)  the organic fertilizer must be immediately incorporated into the soil after spreading, except in the case of a grassland or pasture area;
(2)  the spreading of mineral fertilizer after 1 September must be intended only to establish or maintain the vegetation covering the entire ground;
(3)  despite sections 22 and 35, all spreading must be carried out in compliance with an agroenvironmental fertilization plan and a phosphorous report, drawn up in accordance with this Regulation and on the conditions set out in section 33.1 of the Regulation respecting activities in wetlands, bodies of water and sensitive areas (chapter Q-2, r. 0.1), and taking into account the sensitivity of the environment where the spreading takes place;
(4)  there is no storage of a solid manure pile on a parcel of land cultivated in the littoral zone.
Despite subparagraph a of subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph, organic fertilizers may be spread between 1 September and 1 October provided that the agroenvironmental fertilization plan required under subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph includes a recommendation from an agrologist to that effect.
The agroenvironmental fertilization plan required under subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph must also contain a demonstration that the area has been cultivated at least once in the 6 growing seasons preceding 1 January 2022.
O.C. 1596-2021, s. 91.
56.2. Despite sections 22 and 35 and except in the case of the vegetation strip referred to in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 335.1 of the Regulation respecting the regulatory scheme applying to activities on the basis of their environmental impact (chapter Q-2, r. 17.1), the second paragraph of section 4 and the first paragraph of section 5 do not apply to a cultivated area eligible for a declaration of compliance under section 335.1 of the Regulation respecting the regulatory scheme applying to activities on the basis of their environmental impact and declared in accordance with that Regulation that is used for grazing, provided that the addition of phosphorous from livestock complies with an agroenvironmental fertilization plan and phosphorous report drawn up in accordance with this Regulation, and taking the sensitivity of the environment into account.
O.C. 1596-2021, s. 91.
56.3. A monetary administrative penalty of $1,000 in the case of a natural person and $5,000 in any other case may be imposed on any person who fails to establish an agroenvironmental fertilization plan and comply with its conditions, as set out in subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph of section 56.1 and section 56.2.
O.C. 1596-2021, s. 91.
56.4. A monetary administrative penalty of $2,000 in the case of a natural person and $10,000 in any other case may be imposed on any person who fails to comply with one of the conditions for spreading set out in section 56.1.
O.C. 1596-2021, s. 91.
56.5. Every person who contravenes subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph of section 56.1 or section 56.2 commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $2,000 to $100,000 in the case of a natural person and $6,000 to $600,000 in any other case.
O.C. 1596-2021, s. 91.
56.6. Every person who fails to comply with one of the conditions for spreading set out in section 56.1 commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 to $1,000,000 in the case of a natural person or, despite article 231 of the Code of Penal Procedure (chapter C-25.1), to a maximum term of imprisonment of 3 years, or to both the fine and imprisonment, and $30,000 to $6,000,000 in any other case.
O.C. 1596-2021, s. 91.
56.7. Sections 56.1 to 56.6 cease to have effect on 1 March 2027.
O.C. 1596-2021, s. 91.
57. (Omitted).
O.C. 695-2002, s. 57.
(ss. 3, 20, 35 and 50)


Phosphorus Percentage of Crop yields
content phosphorus
(kg P/ha) saturation (MT/ha at 15% humidity)
(P/AI) < 7 7 to 9 > 9


0 - 30 - 140 150 160

31 - 60 - 130 140 150

61 - 90 - 120 130 140

91 - 120 - 110 120 130

121 - 150 - 100 110 120

151 - 250 <5 90 100 110

5 to 10 75 85 95

>10 50 60 70

251 - 500 ≤10 65 75 85

>10 50 60 70

501 and more - 40 50 60


Phosphorus Percentage of Crop yields (MT/ha at 15% humidity)
content phosphorus
(kg P/ha) saturation
(P/AI) < 2.51 2.5 to 3.51 > 3.51

< 52 5 to 72 > 72

0 - 30 - 120 130 140

31 - 60 - 110 120 130

61 - 90 - 100 110 120

91 - 120 - 90 100 110

121 - 150 - 80 90 100

151 - 250 <5 70 80 90

5 à 10 55 65 75

>10 30 40 50

251 - 500 ≤10 45 55 65

>10 30 40 50

501 and more - 20 30 40
1 This line refers to cereal and soya.
2 This line refers to meadows and pastures.
(1) This Schedule is used to calculate the minimum area required to comply with section 20 or 20.1 of the Regulation. The minimum area required corresponds to the areas necessary to dispose of the phosphorus (P2O5) load from the raising site, from which the phosphorus (P2O5) load, if any, treated or eliminated in accordance with section 19 has been subtracted. The load of any other fertilizer used in conjunction with livestock waste on cultivated parcels must be considered in the calculation of the minimum area in accordance with the conditions of this Schedule.
(2) This Schedule refers to a total maximum deposit of phosphorus (P2O5) and not to a deposit of available phosphorus (P2O5). The deposit of phosphorus (P2O5) is based on the type of crops, crop yield, richness of the soil and phosphorus saturation rate of the parcel in question.
(3) The values of maximum deposits are not fertilization recommendations. An agrologist may, in an agro-environmental fertilization plan, recommend fertilization for a given parcel greater than the value appearing in this Schedule.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the total deposit recommended by an agrologist for all parcels and the years referred to in the agro-environmental fertilization plan is greater than the deposit calculated by using this Schedule, the agrologist preparing the plan will have to specify in the plan the agrological and environmental reasons justifying the excess and inform the director of the Direction de l’analyse et de l’expertise in the region where the raising site or spreading site is situated thereof in writing.
The agrologist must, through fertilization recommendations, ensure that the level of soil phosphorus saturation (P/Al) is lowered to a value less than 7.6% for soil with a clay content greater than 30% and to 13.1% for soil with a clay content equal to or less than 30% and that it is maintained below that value.
(4) The deposit calculated using this Schedule is the sum of the deposits of phosphorus (P2O5) that may be spread on each of the parcels referred to in the agro-environmental plan. The deposit of phosphorus (P2O5) that may be spread on a parcel is obtained by multiplying the number of hectares of the parcel by the value indicated in this Schedule for the parcel in question.
(5) In the absence of analysis of the soil specifying the richness of the soil and the phosphorus saturation rate of a parcel, it is possible to use the average value of the analyses of neighbouring parcels. If no analysis is available, the deposit value that must be retained is the value corresponding to a soil richness of 501 and more.
(6) The crop yield for a given parcel is determined from the actual yields of the last 5 years in the following manner:
— for an agricultural operation where a crop is insured by an individual crop insurance program of La Financière agricole du Québec, the crop yield for the agricultural operation shall be used;
— for an agricultural operation where a crop is insured by a collective crop insurance program of La Financière agricole du Québec, the average value of the zone of the agricultural area shall be used; and
— for an agricultural operation where a crop is not insured by La Financière agricole du Québec, the operation’s crop yield measured according to a method recognized by La Financière agricole du Québec or the average value for the zone of agricultural area determined under the collective crop insurance program shall be used.
(7) For an agricultural operation that operates parcels referred to in an agro-environmental fertilization plan with types of crops that are not referred to in the chart, the maximum deposits of phosphorus (P2O5) on those parcels in particular shall be set by the agrologist preparing the plan. The agrologist shall also specify in the plan the reasons justifying the values of the recommended maximum deposits.
O.C. 695-2002, Sch. I; O.C. 606-2010, s. 34.
(s. 50.3)
48028 Acton Vale V
31056 Adstock M
93042 Alma V
55008 Ange-Gardien M
19037 Armagh M
27028 Beauceville V
48005 Béthanie M
42040 Bonsecours M
46090 Brigham M
46070 Brome VL
46078 Bromont V
39030 Chesterville M
44037 Coaticook V
44071 Compton M
41038 Cookshire-Eaton V
61013 Crabtree M
40047 Danville V
31020 Disraeli P
44023 Dixville M
33040 Dosquet M
49058 Drummondville V
46050 Dunham V
46085 East Farnham M
44010 East Hereford M
46112 Farnham V
38047 Fortierville M
26005 Frampton M
47017 Granby V
45043 Hatley M
93025 Hébertville-Station VL
19070 Honfleur M
32058 Inverness M
78042 Ivry-sur-le-Lac M
14050 Kamouraska M
31105 Kinnear’s Mills M
19090 La Durantaye P
29030 La Guadeloupe VL
54035 La Présentation M
46075 Lac-Brome V
28053 Lac-Etchemin M
30095 Lambton M
32072 Laurierville M
49025 L’Avenir M
42045 Lawrenceville VL
33123 Leclercville M
49020 Lefebvre M
25213 Lévis V
51015 Louiseville V
32065 Lyster M
39165 Maddington Falls M
42065 Maricourt M
44060 Martinville M
42075 Melbourne CT
56097 Mont-Saint-Grégoire M
41037 Newport M
32080 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes P
49080 Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Conseil P
33085 Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur-d’Issoudun P
50113 Pierreville M
32045 Plessisville P
32033 Princeville V
42032 Racine M
55037 Rougemont M
48015 Roxton CT
48010 Roxton Falls VL
47047 Roxton Pond M
31130 Sacré-Coeur-de-Jésus P
31095 Saint-Adrien-d’Irlande M
33045 Saint-Agapit M
39085 Saint-Albert M
14035 Saint-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska M
47010 Saint-Alphonse-de-Granby M
61040 Saint-Ambroise-de-Kildare M
14040 Saint-André-de-Kamouraska M
19062 Saint-Anselme M
33090 Saint-Apollinaire M
51025 Saint-Barnabé P
54105 Saint-Barnabé-Sud M
28025 Saint-Benjamin M
29100 Saint-Benoît-Labre M
26055 Saint-Bernard M
54115 Saint-Bernard-de-Michaudville M
93030 Saint-Bruno M
40025 Saint-Camille CT
55023 Saint-Césaire V
19097 Saint-Charles-de-Bellechasse M
39060 Saint-Christophe-d’Arthabaska P
54060 Saint-Dominique M
33017 Sainte-Agathe-de-Lotbinière M
78032 Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts V
51055 Sainte-Angèle-de-Prémont M
42050 Sainte-Anne-de-la-Rochelle M
56105 Sainte-Brigide-d’Iberville M
47055 Sainte-Cécile-de-Milton M
48020 Sainte-Christine P
19055 Sainte-Claire M
31060 Sainte-Clotilde-de-Beauce M
39117 Sainte-Clotilde-de-Horton M
49100 Saint-Edmond-de-Grantham P
33080 Saint-Édouard-de-Lotbinière P
44055 Sainte-Edwidge-de-Clifton CT
39090 Sainte-Élizabeth-de-Warwick M
38035 Sainte-Françoise M
14025 Sainte-Hélène-de-Kamouraska M
54095 Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot M
26040 Sainte-Hénédine P
63060 Sainte-Julienne M
26022 Saint-Elzéar M
54025 Sainte-Madeleine VL
26035 Sainte-Marguerite P
26030 Sainte-Marie V
38015 Sainte-Marie-de-Blandford M
63005 Sainte-Marie-Salomé M
61050 Sainte-Mélanie M
29112 Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce M
28030 Sainte-Rose-de-Watford M
46105 Sainte-Sabine M
39105 Sainte-Séraphine P
75028 Sainte-Sophie M
38040 Sainte-Sophie-de-Lévrard P
32023 Sainte-Sophie-d’Halifax M
63030 Saint-Esprit M
49105 Saint-Eugène M
51040 Sainte-Ursule M
62007 Saint-Félix-de-Valois M
33052 Saint-Flavien M
31030 Saint-Fortunat M
42020 Saint-François-Xavier-de-Brompton M
27065 Saint-Frédéric P
52085 Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon M
40032 Saint-Georges-de-Windsor M
14045 Saint-Germain P
49048 Saint-Germain-de-Grantham M
19075 Saint-Gervais M
33035 Saint-Gilles M
19068 Saint-Henri M
44015 Saint-Herménégilde M
29038 Saint-Honoré-de-Shenley M
54100 Saint-Hugues M
54048 Saint-Hyacinthe V
46095 Saint-Ignace-de-Stanbridge M
26063 Saint-Isidore M
31140 Saint-Jacques-de-Leeds M
33065 Saint-Janvier-de-Joly M
57033 Saint-Jean-Baptiste M
62015 Saint-Jean-de-Matha M
75017 Saint-Jérôme V
47040 Saint-Joachim-de-Shefford M
27043 Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce V
14030 Saint-Joseph-de-Kamouraska P
27050 Saint-Joseph-des-Érables M
54110 Saint-Jude M
27055 Saint-Jules P
26070 Saint-Lambert-de-Lauzon M
19050 Saint-Lazare-de-Bellechasse M
19020 Saint-Léon-de-Standon P
51035 Saint-Léon-le-Grand P
54072 Saint-Liboire M
63065 Saint-Liguori M
63048 Saint-Lin—Laurentides V
54120 Saint-Louis M
49030 Saint-Lucien M
19025 Saint-Malachie P
44003 Saint-Malo M
29045 Saint-Martin P
19110 Saint-Michel-de-Bellechasse M
33030 Saint-Narcisse-de-Beaurivage P
48050 Saint-Nazaire-d’Acton P
19015 Saint-Nazaire-de-Dorchester P
19045 Saint-Nérée-de-Bellechasse M
52070 Saint-Norbert P
39043 Saint-Norbert-d’Arthabaska M
27035 Saint-Odilon-de-Cranbourne P
14070 Saint-Pacôme M
14018 Saint-Pascal V
33025 Saint-Patrice-de-Beaurivage M
61005 Saint-Paul M
55015 Saint-Paul-d’Abbotsford M
51060 Saint-Paulin M
29065 Saint-Philibert M
14060 Saint-Philippe-de-Néri P
54008 Saint-Pie V
61020 Saint-Pierre VL
31135 Saint-Pierre-de-Broughton M
19082 Saint-Raphaël M
63035 Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan M
63040 Saint-Roch-Ouest M
39145 Saint-Rosaire P
26010 Saints-Anges M
27070 Saint-Séverin P
54090 Saint-Simon M
29125 Saint-Simon-les-Mines M
38005 Saint-Sylvère M
33007 Saint-Sylvestre M
48045 Saint-Théodore-d’Acton M
39135 Saint-Valère M
54065 Saint-Valérien-de-Milton M
44005 Saint-Venant-de-Paquette M
27008 Saint-Victor M
50023 Saint-Wenceslas M
28005 Saint-Zacharie M
50090 Saint-Zéphirin-de-Courval P
26048 Scott M
47035 Shefford CT
46030 Stanbridge Station M
44050 Stanstead-Est M
42005 Stoke M
30110 Stratford CT
31084 Thetford Mines V
27060 Tring-Jonction VL
48038 Upton M
33070 Val-Alain M
42060 Valcourt CT
42095 Val-Joli M
26015 Vallée-Jonction M
39062 Victoriaville V
32085 Villeroy M
47030 Warden VL
39077 Warwick V
41098 Weedon M
41065 Westbury CT
49040 Wickham M
40017 Wotton M
51020 Yamachiche M.
O.C. 695-2002, Sch. II; O.C. 1098-2004, s. 9; O.C. 906-2005, s. 21; O.C. 606-2010, s. 35; I.N. 2021-07-15.
(s. 50.3)
46005 Abercorn VL
92030 Albanel M
41055 Ascot Corner M
50013 Aston-Jonction M
30055 Audet M
45085 Austin M
45035 Ayer’s Cliff VL
62906 Baie-de-la-Bouteille NO
50100 Baie-du-Febvre M
44045 Barnston-Ouest M
70022 Beauharnois V
31008 Beaulac-Garthby M
19105 Beaumont M
38010 Bécancour V
46035 Bedford V
57040 Beloeil V
52035 Berthierville V
73015 Blainville V
45095 Bolton-Est M
46065 Bolton-Ouest M
58033 Boucherville V
58007 Brossard V
76043 Brownsburg-Chatham V
41070 Bury M
59030 Calixa-Lavallée M
67020 Candiac V
57010 Carignan V
57005 Chambly V
51080 Charette M
60005 Charlemagne V
41020 Chartierville M
67050 Châteauguay V
62047 Chertsey M
42110 Cleveland CT
59035 Contrecoeur V
30090 Courcelles M
46080 Cowansville V
39152 Daveluyville V
67025 Delson V
38070 Deschaillons-sur-Saint-Laurent M
31015 Disraeli V
41117 Dudswell M
69075 Dundee CT
49015 Durham-Sud M
41060 East Angus V
31122 East Broughton M
45093 Eastman M
69050 Elgin M
62053 Entrelacs M
77011 Estérel V
69010 Franklin M
46010 Frelighsburg M
30025 Frontenac M
92055 Girardville M
69060 Godmanchester CT
76025 Gore CT
50065 Grand-Saint-Esprit M
76052 Grenville-sur-la-Rouge M
39010 Ham-Nord CT
40005 Ham-Sud M
41075 Hampden CT
45055 Hatley CT
69005 Havelock CT
93020 Hébertville M
68015 Hemmingford CT
56042 Henryville M
69045 Hinchinbrooke M
69025 Howick M
69055 Huntingdon V
31040 Irlande M
61025 Joliette V
42070 Kingsbury VL
39097 Kingsey Falls V
41027 La Patrie M
67015 La Prairie V
50085 La Visitation-de-Yamaska M
22040 Lac-Beauport M
22030 Lac-Delage V
62914 Lac-des-Dix-Milles NO
30080 Lac-Drolet M
76020 Lachute V
62910 Lac-Legendre NO
30030 Lac-Mégantic V
62902 Lac-Minaki NO
56023 Lacolle M
16902 Lac-Pikauba NO
29095 Lac-Poulin VL
78095 Lac-Supérieur M
23057 L’Ancienne-Lorette V
52017 Lanoraie M
78015 Lantier M
94265 Larouche M
60028 L’Assomption V
33060 Laurier-Station VL
52007 Lavaltrie V
38020 Lemieux M
60037 L’Épiphanie V
67055 Léry V
41085 Lingwick CT
58227 Longueuil V
33115 Lotbinière M
45072 Magog V
52095 Mandeville M
38028 Manseau M
55048 Marieville V
30035 Marston CT
64015 Mascouche V
53010 Massueville VL
57025 McMasterville M
67045 Mercier V
30040 Milan M
76030 Mille-Isles M
74005 Mirabel V
78055 Montcalm M
14005 Mont-Carmel M
57035 Mont-Saint-Hilaire V
77050 Morin-Heights M
30045 Nantes M
68030 Napierville M
50072 Nicolet V
92040 Normandin V
45050 North Hatley VL
19010 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-de-Buckland P
39015 Notre-Dame-de-Ham M
62055 Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci M
61045 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes M
30010 Notre-Dame-des-Bois M
29120 Notre-Dame-des-Pins P
61030 Notre-Dame-des-Prairies V
46100 Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge M
49075 Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Conseil VL
56015 Noyan M
45020 Ogden M
45115 Orford CT
69037 Ormstown M
57030 Otterburn Park V
38055 Parisville P
77030 Piedmont M
46025 Pike-River M
30020 Piopolis M
32040 Plessisville V
45030 Potton CT
75040 Prévost V
23027 Québec V
62037 Rawdon M
60013 Repentigny V
55057 Richelieu V
42098 Richmond V
77065 Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard M
40010 Saint-Adrien M
53015 Saint-Aimé M
56055 Saint-Alexandre M
63023 Saint-Alexis M
51065 Saint-Alexis-des-Monts P
27015 Saint-Alfred M
62025 Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez M
59015 Saint-Amable V
76008 Saint-André-d’Argenteuil M
69070 Saint-Anicet M
33095 Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly M
57075 Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu M
46017 Saint-Armand M
23072 Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures V
30005 Saint-Augustin-de-Woburn P
57020 Saint-Basile-le-Grand V
45080 Saint-Benoît-du-Lac M
68005 Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle M
56065 Saint-Blaise-sur-Richelieu M
49125 Saint-Bonaventure M
14010 Saint-Bruno-de-Kamouraska M
58037 Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville V
63055 Saint-Calixte M
50030 Saint-Célestin VL
61035 Saint-Charles-Borromée V
57057 Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu M
69017 Saint-Chrysostome M
42100 Saint-Claude M
52075 Saint-Cléophas-de-Brandon M
75005 Saint-Colomban V
62065 Saint-Côme M
29057 Saint-Côme—Linière M
67035 Saint-Constant V
52062 Saint-Cuthbert M
28040 Saint-Cyprien P
68035 Saint-Cyprien-de-Napierville M
49070 Saint-Cyrille-de-Wendover M
54017 Saint-Damase M
62075 Saint-Damien P
19030 Saint-Damien-de-Buckland P
53005 Saint-David M
42025 Saint-Denis-de-Brompton M
57068 Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu M
62060 Saint-Donat M
77022 Sainte-Adèle V
55030 Sainte-Angèle-de-Monnoir M
56060 Sainte-Anne-de-Sabrevois P
77035 Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs P
53065 Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel M
73035 Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines V
28015 Sainte-Aurélie M
69065 Sainte-Barbe M
62020 Sainte-Béatrix M
22045 Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval V
49085 Sainte-Brigitte-des-Saults P
67030 Sainte-Catherine V
45060 Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley M
38060 Sainte-Cécile-de-Lévrard P
30050 Sainte-Cécile-de-Whitton M
68020 Sainte-Clotilde M
33102 Sainte-Croix M
92050 Saint-Edmond-les-Plaines M
68045 Saint-Édouard M
52030 Sainte-Élisabeth M
62070 Sainte-Émélie-de-l’Énergie M
50005 Sainte-Eulalie M
52040 Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier M
39035 Sainte-Hélène-de-Chester M
59010 Sainte-Julie V
28045 Sainte-Justine M
51075 Saint-Élie-de-Caxton M
50095 Saint-Elphège P
78020 Sainte-Lucie-des-Laurentides M
62030 Sainte-Marcelline-de-Kildare M
77012 Sainte-Marguerite-du-Lac-Masson V
54030 Sainte-Marie-Madeleine P
70012 Sainte-Martine M
50057 Sainte-Monique M
50050 Sainte-Perpétue P
31050 Sainte-Praxède P
28065 Sainte-Sabine P
70030 Saint-Étienne-de-Beauharnois M
45100 Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton M
29025 Saint-Évariste-de-Forsyth M
53025 Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel M
78047 Saint-Faustin—Lac-Carré M
91042 Saint-Félicien V
49005 Saint-Félix-de-Kingsey M
32013 Saint-Ferdinand M
50128 Saint-François-du-Lac M
52080 Saint-Gabriel V
22025 Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier M
14075 Saint-Gabriel-Lalemant M
93035 Saint-Gédéon M
29013 Saint-Gédéon-de-Beauce M
29073 Saint-Georges V
56010 Saint-Georges-de-Clarenceville M
53085 Saint-Gérard-Majella P
49113 Saint-Guillaume M
62912 Saint-Guillaume-Nord NO
29020 Saint-Hilaire-de-Dorset P
75045 Saint-Hippolyte M
67040 Saint-Isidore P
41012 Saint-Isidore-de-Clifton M
63013 Saint-Jacques M
31025 Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur-de-Wolfestown P
68040 Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur M
31100 Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf M
56083 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu V
31045 Saint-Joseph-de-Coleraine M
53050 Saint-Joseph-de-Sorel V
31035 Saint-Julien M
58012 Saint-Lambert V
50042 Saint-Léonard-d’Aston M
39170 Saint-Louis-de-Blandford M
70035 Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague P
28060 Saint-Luc-de-Bellechasse M
30072 Saint-Ludger M
28075 Saint-Magloire M
49095 Saint-Majorique-de-Grantham P
54125 Saint-Marcel-de-Richelieu M
57050 Saint-Marc-sur-Richelieu M
55065 Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu M
67005 Saint-Mathieu M
57045 Saint-Mathieu-de-Beloeil M
51070 Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc M
68050 Saint-Michel M
62085 Saint-Michel-des-Saints M
53032 Saint-Ours V
68025 Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington M
56035 Saint-Paul-de-l’Île-aux-Noix M
19005 Saint-Philémon P
67010 Saint-Philippe V
49130 Saint-Pie-de-Guire P
32050 Saint-Pierre-Baptiste P
38065 Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets M
72043 Saint-Placide M
28020 Saint-Prosper M
68055 Saint-Rémi V
39020 Saint-Rémi-de-Tingwick M
29050 Saint-René P
53020 Saint-Robert M
30070 Saint-Robert-Bellarmin M
53040 Saint-Roch-de-Richelieu M
30100 Saint-Romain M
39130 Saint-Samuel M
77043 Saint-Sauveur V
30085 Saint-Sébastien M
51030 Saint-Sévère P
39005 Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens P
70040 Saint-Stanislas-de-Kostka M
60020 Saint-Sulpice P
29005 Saint-Théophile M
61027 Saint-Thomas M
92045 Saint-Thomas-Didyme M
70005 Saint-Urbain-Premier M
56030 Saint-Valentin M
19117 Saint-Vallier M
62080 Saint-Zénon M
41080 Scotstown V
22020 Shannon V
43027 Sherbrooke V
53052 Sorel-Tracy V
46045 Stanbridge East M
45008 Stanstead V
22035 Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury CU
30105 Stornoway M
45105 Stukely-Sud VL
46058 Sutton V
64008 Terrebonne V
39025 Tingwick M
69030 Très-Saint-Sacrement P
42078 Ulverton M
42055 Valcourt V
78010 Val-David VL
78100 Val-des-Lacs M
40043 Val-des-Sources V
78005 Val-Morin M
30015 Val-Racine M
59020 Varennes V
56005 Venise-en-Québec M
59025 Verchères M
47025 Waterloo V
44080 Waterville V
76035 Wentworth CT
77060 Wentworth-Nord M
42088 Windsor V
53072 Yamaska M.
O.C. 1098-2004, s. 10; O.C. 906-2005, s. 21; O.C. 606-2010, s. 36; I.N. 2021-07-15.
O.C. 906-2005, s. 22; O.C. 606-2010, s. 37.
(s. 50.3)
46040 Bedford CT
68010 Hemmingford VL
50035 Saint-Célestin M
28035 Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague M
56050 Saint-Sébastien M
45025 Stanstead CT.
O.C. 906-2005, s. 22; O.C. 606-2010, s. 38; I.N. 2021-07-15.
(s. 50.3.2)
Identification of watersheds excluded from the prohibition provided for in section 50.3 by municipality
Municipality No.Name of municipalityType of municipalityConcerned Schedule to this RegulationExcluded watershed
14005Mont-CarmelMIIIRivière Saint-Jean – 01EX0000 – (level 1)
Rivière Ouelle – 02270000 – (level 1)
14070Saint-PacômeMIIRivière Ouelle – 02270000 – (level 1)
14075Saint-Gabriel-LalemantMIIIRivière Ouelle – 02270000 – (level 1)
19005Saint-PhilémonPIIIRivière du SUD – 02310000 – (level 1)
Rivière Saint-Jean – 01EX0000 – (level 1)
19010Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-de-BucklandPIIIRivière du SUD – 02310000 – (level 1)
19030Saint-Damien-de-BucklandPIIIRivière du SUD – 02310000 – (level 1)
19037ArmaghMIIRivière du SUD – 02310000 – (level 1)
19045Saint-Nérée-de-BellechasseMIIRivière du SUD – 02310000 – (level 1)
19050Saint-Lazare-de-BellechasseMIIRivière du SUD – 02310000 – (level 1)
19082Saint-RaphaëlMIIRivière du SUD – 02310000 – (level 1)
22020ShannonVIIIRivière Jacques-Cartier – 05080000 – (level 1)
22025Saint-Gabriel-de-ValcartierMIIIRivière Jacques-Cartier – 05080000 – (level 1)
Rivière Sainte-Anne – 05040000 – (level 1)
22035Stoneham-et-TewkesburyCUIIIRivière Jacques-Cartier – 05080000 – (level 1) 
Rivière Sainte-Anne – 05040000 – (level 1) 
Rivière Montmorency – 05100000 – (level 1)
22040Lac-BeauportMIIIRivière Montmorency – 05100000 – (level 1)
22045Sainte-Brigitte-de-LavalVIIIRivière Montmorency – 05100000 – (level 1)
23027QuébecVIIIRivière Jacques-Cartier – 05080000 – (level 1) 
Rivière Montmorency – 05100000 – (level 1)
28005Saint-ZacharieMIIRivière Saint-Jean – 01EX0000 – (level 1) 
28015Sainte-AurélieMIIIRivière Saint-Jean – 01EX0000 – (level 1) 
28035Saint-Louis-de-GonzagueMVRivière Saint-Jean – 01EX0000 – (level 1) 
28040Saint-CyprienPIIIRivière Saint-Jean – 01EX0000 – (level 1) 
28045Sainte-JustineMIIIRivière Saint-Jean – 01EX0000 – (level 1) 
28053Lac-EtcheminMIIRivière Saint-Jean – 01EX0000 – (level 1) 
28060Saint-Luc-de-BellechasseMIIIRivière du SUD – 02310000 – (level 1) 
Rivière Saint-Jean - 01EX0000 – (level 1)
28065Sainte-SabinePIIIRivière Saint-Jean – 01EX0000 – (level 1)
28075Saint-MagloireMIIIRivière du SUD – 02310000 – (level 1) 
Rivière Saint-Jean - 01EX0000 – (level 1)
51065Saint-Alexis-des-MontsPIIIRivière Matawin – 05011000 – (level 2 of rivière Saint-Maurice)
51070Saint-Mathieu-du-ParcMIIIRivière à la Pêche – 05010009 – (level 2 of rivière Saint-Maurice)
62060Saint-DonatMIIIRivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
62080Saint-ZénonMIIIRivière Matawin – 05011000 – (level 2 of rivière Saint-Maurice)
62085Saint-Michel-des-SaintsMIIIRivière Matawin – 05011000 – (level 2 of rivière Saint-Maurice)
62902Lac-MinakiNOIIIRivière Matawin – 05011000 – (level 2 of rivière Saint-Maurice)
62906Baie-de-la-BouteilleNOIIIRivière Matawin – 05011000 – (level 2 of rivière Saint-Maurice)
62910Lac-LegendreNOIIIRivière Matawin – 05011000 – (level 2 of rivière Saint-Maurice)
Rivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
62912Saint-Guillaume-NordNOIIIRivière Matawin – 05011000 – (level 2 of rivière Saint-Maurice)
62914Lac-des-Dix-MillesNOIIIRivière Matawin – 05011000 – (level 2 of rivière Saint-Maurice)
Rivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
76035WentworthCTIIIRivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
76043Brownsburg-ChathamVIIIRivière du Calumet – 04350000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
76052Grenville-sur-la-RougeMIIIRivière du Calumet – 04350000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
Rivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
Rivière Saumon – 04030000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
Petite rivière Saumon – 04680000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
Crique de Pointe-au-Chêne – 04710000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
77060Wentworth-NordMIIIRivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
77065Saint-Adolphe-d’HowardMIIIRivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
78047Mont-BlancMIIIRivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
78055MontcalmMIIIRivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
78095Lac-SupérieurMIIIRivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
78100Val-des-LacsMIIIRivière Rouge – 04020000 – (level 2 of rivière des Outaouais)
92045Saint-Thomas-DidymeMIIIRivière Mistassini – 06210000 – (level 2 of rivière Saguenay)
Rivière Ashuapmushuan – 06190000 – (level 2 of rivière Saguenay)
92050Saint-Edmond-les-PlainesMIIIRivière Mistassini – 06210000 – (level 2 of rivière Saguenay) 
92055GirardvilleMIIIRivière Mistassini – 06210000 – (level 2 of rivière Saguenay) 
93020HébertvilleMIIIRivière Chicoutimi – 06100000 – (level 2 of rivière Saguenay)
94265LaroucheMIIIRivière Chicoutimi – 06100000 – (level 2 of rivière Saguenay)
Rivière Dorval – 06110000 – (level 2 of rivière Saguenay)
O.C. 983-2023, s. 14.
(s. 28.2)
| | | |
| Type of | | Factor |
| animal | Category1 | ((P2O5)/animal space |
| | | (kg))2 |
| | | |
| | Dairy cow of a breed other than | |
| | Canadienne or Jersey and its 11-day calf| 62.2 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Dairy heifer of a breed other than | |
| | Canadienne or Jersey (> 15 month until | |
| | first lactation) | 38.8 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Dairy heifer calf of a breed other than | |
| | Canadienne or Jersey (from 12 days to | |
| | 15 months) | 16.4 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Jersey dairy cow and its 11-day calf | 28.1 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| Dairy | Jersey dairy heifer (> 15 months | |
| cattle | until first lactation) | 17.5 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Jersey dairy heifer calf (from 12 days | |
| | to 15 months) | 7.4 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Canadienne dairy cow and its 11-day calf| 56.5 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Canadienne dairy heifer (> 15 months | |
| | until first lactation) | 35.3 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Canadienne dairy heifer calf (from | |
| | 12 days to 15 months) | 15.0 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Dairy bull | 25.1 |
| | | |
| | Slaughter cow and its calf | 32.9 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Slaughter heifer (> 15 months until | |
| | first calving) | 23.5 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Slaughter heifer calf (from 8 months | |
| | to 15 months) | 15.7 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Feeder cattle (backgrounding cattle and | |
| | finishing cattle) | 30.5 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Backgrounding cattle (from 268 to | |
| | 400 kg) | 19.1 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| Beef cattle | Finishing cattle (> 400 kg) | 37.7 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Slaughter bull (≤ 12 months) | 22.9 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Slaughter bull (> 12 months) | 30.8 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Adult buffalo - male or female | 29.9 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Grain-fed calf (nursery and finishing) | 12.0 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Grain-fed calf nursery | |
| | (from 64 to 95 kg) | 5.46 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Finishing grain-fed calf | |
| | (> 95 to 286 kg) | 14.4 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Veal calf | 5.56 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Sow and unweaned piglets | 12.7 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Gilt | 8.04 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Weanling (≤ 25 kg) | 1.49 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| Suidae | Feeder pig (> 25 kg until live | |
| | weight at laughter ≤ 107 kg) | 4.60 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Feeder pig (> 25 kg until live | |
| | wight at slaughter ≤ 107 kg) | 5.70 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Boar | 21.5 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Adult wild boar - male or female | 16.6 |
| | | |
| | Broiler - male (≤ 3.0 kg) | 0.313 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Broiler - female (≤ 3.0 kg) | 0.246 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Roaster - male or female (> 3.0 kg) | 0.362 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Broiler turkey - male or female | |
| | (≤ 9.9 kg) | 0.724 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Heavy turkey - male or female | |
| | (> 9.9 kg) | 1.57 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Pullet - eggs for consumption | 0.188 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| Poultry | Laying hen - eggs for consumption | 0.456 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Pullet - hatching eggs | 0.185 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Rooster - hatching eggs | 0.226 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Laying hen - hatching eggs | 0.710 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Quail (meat) - male or female | 0.054 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Pheasant - male or female | 0.214 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Guinea fowl - male or female | 0.223 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Peacock - male or female | 0.600 |
| | | |
| | Ewe and its milk-fed lambs | 6.54 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Adult ram | 7.25 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Replacement ewe lamb (final live | |
| Ovine | weight ≤ 55 kg) | 1.61 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Light lamb - male or female (final live | |
| | weight ≤ 30 kg) | 0.292 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Heavy lamb - male or female (final live | |
| | weight ≤ 47 kg) | 0.894 |
| | | |
| | Angora goat (≥ 1 year) | 7.20 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Dairy goat (≥ 1 year) | 7.20 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| Caprine | Slaughter goat | 7.20 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Adult billy goat | 7.20 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Nanny goat or kid (from 3 days to | |
| | 364 days) | 2.76 |
| | | |
| | Goose - male or female | 0.708 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| Anatidae | | |
| | Duck - male or female | 0.769 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Peking duck - male or female | 0.595 |
| | | |
| | Red deer - male or female | 2.84 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | White-tailed deer - male or female | 2.84 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| Cervidae | | |
| | Elk - male or female | 5.81 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Fallow deer - male or female | 2.84 |
| | | |
| | Stallion | 22.6 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Gelding | 27.8 |
| Equidea |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Mare and its unweaned offspring | 32.2 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Colt or filly | 16.1 |
| | | |
| | Ostrich - male or female | 31.0 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Feeder ostrich - male or female | 12.0 |
| Struthionidae |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| and ratitae | | |
| | Rhea - male or female | 12.0 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Emu - male or female | 10.1 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Feeder emu - male or female | 3.56 |
| | | |
| Leporidae | Female rabbit and its offspring until | |
| | slaughter | 6.61 |
| | | |
| | Female chinchilla and its unweaned | |
| | offspring | 0.132 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| Fur animals | | |
| | Female mink and its offspring until | |
| | slaughter | 0.983 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Adult mink - male | 0.502 |
| | | |
| Other types | Llama - male or female | 2.76 |
(1) A category of animal not listed in the Schedule is deemed to have an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production/animal space referred to in the following table based on the live weight of the animal at the end of the raising period:
| | |
| Live weigh of the animal at the end | Factor |
| of the raising period (kg) | (((P2O5)/animal space (kg))2 |
| | |
| < 1 | 0.12 |
| | |
| ≥ 1 and < 5 | 0.6 |
| | |
| ≥ 5 and < 10 | 1.2 |
| | |
| ≥ 10 and < 20 | 2.4 |
| | |
| ≥ 20 and < 100 | 12 |
| | |
| ≥ 100 and < 500 | 30 |
| | |
| ≥ 500 | 60 |
(2) Where the animals are not raised in a raising facility, the factor “(P2O5)/animal space (kg)” is replaced by the factor “(P2O5)/animal (kg)”.
O.C. 606-2010, s. 39; O.C. 269-2012, s. 9.
(ss. 35 and 50.01)
| | | |
| Type of | | Factor |
| animal | Category1 | ((P2O5)/animal space |
| | | (kg))2 |
| | | |
| | Dairy cow of a breed other than | |
| | Canadienne or Jersey and its 11-day calf| 51.8 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Dairy heifer of a breed other than | |
| | Canadienne or Jersey (> 15 month until | |
| | first lactation) | 32.3 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Dairy heifer calf of a breed other than | |
| | Canadienne or Jersey (from 12 days to | |
| | 15 months) | 13.7 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Jersey dairy cow and its 11-day calf | 23.4 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| Dairy | Jersey dairy heifer (> 15 months | |
| cattle | until first lactation) | 14.6 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Jersey dairy heifer calf (from 12 days | |
| | to 15 months) | 6.2 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Canadienne dairy cow and its 11-day calf| 47.1 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Canadienne dairy heifer (> 15 months | |
| | until first lactation) | 29.4 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Canadienne dairy heifer calf (from | |
| | 12 days to 15 months) | 12.5 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Dairy bull | 20.9 |
| | | |
| | Slaughter cow and its calf | 27.4 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Slaughter heifer (> 15 months until | |
| | first calving) | 19.6 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Slaughter heifer calf (from 8 months | |
| | to 15 months) | 13.1 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Feeder cattle (backgrounding cattle and | |
| | finishing cattle) | 25.4 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Backgrounding cattle (from 268 to | |
| | 400 kg) | 15.9 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| Beef cattle | Finishing cattle (> 400 kg) | 31.4 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Slaughter bull (≤ 12 months) | 19.1 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Slaughter bull (> 12 months) | 25.7 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Adult buffalo - male or female | 24.9 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Grain-fed calf (nursery and finishing) | 10.0 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Grain-fed calf nursery | |
| | (from 64 to 95 kg) | 4.55 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Finishing grain-fed calf | |
| | (> 95 to 286 kg) | 12.0 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Veal calf | 4.63 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Sow and unweaned piglets | 10.6 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Gilt | 6.70 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Weanling (≤ 25 kg) | 1.24 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| Suidae | Feeder pig - mal or female (&le 25 kg | |
| | until slaughter) | 4.75 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Boar | 17.9 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Adult wild boar - male or female | 13.8 |
| | | |
| | Broiler - male (≤ 3.0 kg) | 0.261 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Broiler - female (≤ 3.0 kg) | 0.205 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Roaster - male or female (> 3.0 kg) | 0.302 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Broiler turkey - male or female | |
| | (≤ 9.9 kg) | 0.603 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Heavy turkey - male or female | |
| | (> 9.9 kg) | 1.31 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Pullet - eggs for consumption | 0.157 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| Poultry | Laying hen - eggs for consumption | 0.380 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Pullet - hatching eggs | 0.154 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Rooster - hatching eggs | 0.188 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Laying hen - hatching eggs | 0.592 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Quail (meat) - male or female | 0.045 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Pheasant - male or female | 0.178 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Guinea fowl - male or female | 0.186 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Peacock - male or female | 0.500 |
| | | |
| | Ewe and its milk-fed lambs | 5.45 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Adult ram | 6.04 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Replacement ewe lamb (final live | |
| Ovine | weight ≤ 55 kg) | 1.34 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Light lamb - male or female (final live | |
| | weight ≤ 30 kg) | 0.243 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Heavy lamb - male or female (final live | |
| | weight ≤ 47 kg) | 0.745 |
| | | |
| | Angora goat (≥ 1 year) | 6.0 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Dairy goat (≥ 1 year) | 6.00 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| Caprine | Slaughter goat | 6.00 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Adult billy goat | 6.00 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Nanny goat or kid (from 3 days to | |
| | 364 days) | 2.30 |
| | | |
| | Goose - male or female | 0.590 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| Anatidae | | |
| | Duck - male or female | 0.641 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Peking duck - male or female | 0.496 |
| | | |
| | Red deer - male or female | 2.37 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | White-tailed deer - male or female | 2.37 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| Cervidae | | |
| | Elk - male or female | 4.84 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Fallow deer - male or female | 2.37 |
| | | |
| | Stallion | 18.8 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Gelding | 23.2 |
| Equidea |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Mare and its unweaned offspring | 26.8 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Colt or filly | 13.4 |
| | | |
| | Ostrich - male or female | 25.8 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Feeder ostrich - male or female | 10.0 |
| Struthionidae |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| and ratitae | | |
| | Rhea - male or female | 10.0 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Emu - male or female | 18.45 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Feeder emu - male or female | 2.97 |
| | | |
| Leporidae | Female rabbit and its offspring until | |
| | slaughter | 6.61 |
| | | |
| | Female chinchilla and its unweaned | |
| | offspring | 0.110 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| Fur animals | | |
| | Female mink and its offspring until | |
| | slaughter | 0.819 |
| |_________________________________________|_______________________|
| | | |
| | Adult mink - male | 0.418 |
| | | |
| Other types | Llama - male or female | 2.30 |
(1) A category of animal not listed in the Schedule is deemed to have an annual phosphorus (P2O5) production/animal space referred to in the following table based on the live weight of the animal at the end of the raising period:
| | |
| Live weigh of the animal at the end | Factor |
| of the raising period (kg) | (((P2O5)/animal space (kg))2 |
| | |
| < 1 | 0.1 |
| | |
| ≥ 1 and < 5 | 0.5 |
| | |
| ≥ 5 and < 10 | 1 |
| | |
| ≥ 10 and < 20 | 2 |
| | |
| ≥ 20 and < 100 | 10 |
| | |
| ≥ 100 and < 500 | 25 |
| | |
| ≥ 500 | 50 |
(2) Where the animals are not raised in a raising facility, the factor “(P2O5)/animal space (kg)” is replaced by the factor “(P2O5)/animal (kg)”.
O.C. 606-2010, s. 39; O.C. 269-2012, s. 9.
O.C. 695-2002, 2002 G.O. 2, 2643
O.C. 1330-2002, 2002 G.O. 2, 6237
O.C. 1197-2003, 2003 G.O. 2, 3393
O.C. 1098-2004, 2004 G.O. 2, 3459
O.C. 883-2005, 2005 G.O. 2, 4107A
O.C. 906-2005, 2005 G.O. 2, 4449A
O.C. 1006-2007, 2007 G.O. 2, 3225
O.C. 606-2010, 2010 G.O. 2, 2211
O.C. 269-2012, 2012 G.O. 2, 1051
O.C. 671-2013, 2013 G.O. 2, 1780
S.Q. 2013, c. 28, s. 204
S.Q. 2017, c. 4, ss. 262 and 263
O.C. 871-2020, 2020 G.O. 2, 2343A
O.C. 1596-2021, 2022 G.O. 2, 6
O.C. 1460-2022, 2022 G.O. 2, 3257
O.C. 983-2023, 2023 G.O. 2, 1202
S.Q. 2023, c. 27, s. 239